Monday, July 20, 2009

Brushes with Fame

This weekend I was able to spend some time at a fairly large AKC dog show.  I watched several friends compete with their dogs, both in conformation (like what you see on TV when they air the Westminster show), obedience & rally, and got to rub elbows with some big-time competitors!  My main reason for going was to watch the French Bulldog class, in order to root for our friend/vet as she competed with her frenchie (pictured below).  I'm happy to say that they were "Winner's Dog" (WD), which gave them enough points to finish the little guy's championship.  Congrats Lori & CH Forever in Blue Genes d'Assisi (a.k.a. Neill) - glad we were there to witness the crowning moment!!

Despite some early aspirations, Brutus' career in conformation was cut short (no pun intended) when we had him neutered.  Luckily we can still compete in any other AKC venue, and I think agility is more our cup of tea anyways :)   Speaking of which, our agility hero Soren just won a very prestigious title (MACH - Masters' Agility Champion), and is the first Frenchie ever to do so!!  I'm fortunate to have had email conversations with both his owners & handler, who have encouraged us to continue our agility training & aspire to Soren's accomplishments.  Frenchies are not known for their agility ability, but just like Soren, Brutus has never let the fact the he is a "non-sporting" breed get in the way of his competitive spirit!!  Here is a photo of Soren flying through a tire while on course (for a video of his championship run, check out Soren's Youtube video).

It's not my style to post things that are not about Brutus, but I thought it was appropriate to use this venue to congratulate our friends on their accomplishments!  Brutus might never achieve the greatness and titles that Neill and Soren have, but that doesn't make him "worth" any less to me!  He might not be perfect, but I know we have a fan club in our own way, and I love my little "rock star" for all the wonderful things that make him The (one & only) Brute.  Tomorrow I'll resume our typical "Brutocentric" content, so I'll leave you with a parting shot that I thing sums up my little man:

No autographs, please!  Well, OK - but only in exchange for a treat...


Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

You don't need titles or awards to be our furiend. We love ya just the way you are!

Wags & wiggles,

Martine said...

Hi guys, that's really neat to learn of your Frenchie friends acomplishments!! It's nice to have heros!

WE love you sweatshirt.... cute as always!

xo sugar & martine

Ziggy Stardust said...

Brutus, you are a star!! We liked seeing your friend and all the other pictures.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

SEDONA said...

I'm with Bijou, you are perfect in our eyes! Any titles you might get is just icing on the cake.
Way to go for your Frenchie buds!
BTW, I'm getting my cartoon done by Lili, too! Thanks so much for referring her to us! You'll see it one a future post.
Your pal,

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Titles dont make the dog - the dog makes the titles - i have tons of titles - my mommy doesnt even use them after my name like she is suppose to - all i know is agility is fun so is rally and obedience - and i get so excited when mommy takes the equiptment out!!

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ

Asta said...

Congwatulations to youw fwiends that is pawsome..we pwefew agility. I think it's mowe fun fow the doggies.
and I think you awe quite pawfect !!!
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

You're already a star to us, Brutus!
Congratulations to your friends! That's wonderful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Brutus you always make everyone smile and that means more than any award!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Oskar said...

I was destined to be a show dog. Perfect head shape they said, perfect teeth, great body line. Then my people got me neutered. They didn't know that I couldn't compete after that, but I get enough attention as it is.

Good luck on your competitions, Brutus

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi Brutus,
We are you new followers. Check us out. We like new friends. You are beautiful (kinda like us) We look like you but we are a different color. Lily thinks you are so handsome.
Lily & Benson