Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My "Laundry" Room

So why would Brutus standing in my laundry room be of any interest, you might ask.  Seems like a risky place for him to venture into, considering the sink that I use for bathing him is right there. What could possibly be of any interest to Brutus in this room?  Why would he care about cleaning supplies?

Although there is still laundry done in this space a few days a week, it has become for all due purposes a small pet supply store.  Just about everything one could need to take care of a dog is in here.  Let's look in one of the cabinets....

That's pretty much all Brutus' & Mason's belongings, other than their toys.  Shall we have a closer look?

That's the veterinary shelf.  A brief inventory includes assorted prescription medications (that I keep stocked to use on short notice for the boys' most common issues), heartworm pills, allergy medication, skin/eye/ear care products, nail clippers, stethoscope, baby thermometer, toothpaste/toothbrushes, first-aid/antiseptic/bandaging items, pH strips....  Wow - serious pharmacopia, eh??

Above that we find the treat section.  Things to chew on, interactive toys, "high-value" training treats (we get bored with the same thing every day, must stock a variety), everyday treats. Moving on...

The neighboring cabinet is mostly for apparel of various kinds.  The all-important collar collection takes up a good portion of this area, stored in the tupperware containers - I think Brutus had at least 15 at last count, Mason has several as well.  Also located here are some of Brutus' hoodies, the treasured lint roller, and some "tinkle bells" (you can see how well that idea worked, considering I gave up & took them off the door).  Above that are mostly warm-weather items for Brutus, including four different cooling coats, ice packs, misters, ect.  The pedi-paws nail grinder never worked for us, so it takes up space here as well.

Moving upwards, you'll find Brutus cold-weather gear, some costumes and a few things of Mason's.  

Next to that are some more food-related items, more pertaining to meal-time itself (extra bowls, backstock of canned food, ect).  It's hard to see on the shelf top, but there are some grooming products up there, including Mason's Furminator (we'd be buried in brown fur-tumbleweeds without it).

On the opposite wall is what was meant to be a coat closet, but dog supplies have taken it over as well.  Although I have managed to jam a few coats in there, they are only the ones I use for dog-walking.  The bins are where I store the kibble, with the boys' favorite bowls perched on top.  I guess the vacuum is not specifically a dog item, but it might as well be since all it sucks up is dog hair!  I do manage to store some spare clothes hangers in here at least!!

Behind the door is a rack with things I might need to take with me anytime I walk out the door with a pooch - leashes, collars, tote bag. The requisite Frenchie calendar can also be seen here - need to keep track of Brutus' busy schedule!!

And finally, back to the counter for some frequently-used items kept within easy reach; things for quick treats and daily supplements.  On the magnetic strip are various reminders & dog-event info. Furthest away on the counter is Brutus' travel/training bag (my husband calls this the diaper bag), with everything we might need to hit the road at a moments notice - basically a miniature version of the cabinet above, insulated to ensure we always have cold/fresh water on hand.

Last but not least, here is the dreaded dog-bathing area (also known as a utility tub to those without pups).  As you can see by Brutus' reluctant demonstration, it's perfect for bathing a Frenchie - pull-out spray faucet & all.  The cabinet below is where all the bath products are conveniently stored (shampoo, towels). 

So is that crazy or what?  No wonder Brutus hangs out in there - it's like going grocery shopping to him. You'd think I had 10 dogs for all the supplies I've accumulated. Thank goodness that I have a decent amount of storage space!  And good thing the counter isn't any lower, or I think Brutus would jump up to help himself!

Speaking of jumping, did I mention that I've turned my basement into an indoor agility training center?  No?  Oh... 
Well, guess that's material for another post!  


dw said...

Yikes!! Now I'm thinking if I can ever get a dog.... where would I put all the dog's stuff???????? Brutus and Mason are a couple of lucky pups to have a mom like you who is so organized and well stocked (to say nothing of making sure you've got sufficient storage space for your boys' things).

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You are one very lucky little dog.
Sally Ann

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cool post - we loved seeing your laundry room/pet closet:) We do have tinkle bells here and they always worked for Dakota and Phantom. Thunder Dunder thinks it is much more noticeable to just bark at Mom when he wants to go out. It is truly the only time he barks, one loud sharp bark.

We have a purple Dyson too and don't know what Mom would do without it.

woos, the OP Pack

Scooter said...

MAN!! Brutus,
You seem like a high maintance guy....geee.. you practically need a whole house for you!!
Thats funny all the stuff for you, but I guess a highly inteligent and smart dog winner that you are deserves it right??


Achieve1dream said...

Wow Brutus has his own room!!!! Cool! I'm jealous. All of my dogs' stuff is in a tupperware shelf thingy in my front hall. I want a dog room and an indoor agility course! Can't wait to see that. Maybe I can turn my laundry room (referred to as the utility room/pantry around here lol) into a dog room. Hmmmmmm . . .

Moose said...

Brutus you poor pup! You need to get your mom to put the good stuff lower so you can get to it! You short statured pups can't be expected to reach all the way up there! My momma keeps moving things higher and higher so I can't get them (she is short in stature too so she can barely reach the good stuff either BOL). Did you see my post yesterday about me getting caught in the supplies? Terrible!
p.s. Momma envies your organization skills, she tries but is somewhat low functioning in this department!

Lindsay said...

That is really impressive!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Okay Brutus..wait til mom walks in one day and you are on the counter looking through your things....It will happen eventually. I think that room should be called Room "B" for Brutus...
Benny & Lily

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Goodness, that is one packed pup room. Mom wishes that she had a room like that for us...maybe someday :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow Brutus, it is like you have your very own store room!!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
Sure is nice to have all your things very well organized!
Is it called... Laundry-Brutus-Room?
Kisses and hugs

Courtney said...

My mom has seen that room and the cupboard and closet first hand, and she says that no matter what the contents, she is enormously impressed at the organization! By the way, were those SCHMACKOS that I spotted on the treat shelf???
Love & Puppy Kisses,
Sadie Lou

Oskar said...

Wow, that is a lot of stuff! I think my people better get busy & buy me some more things!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Ah yes the true testiment that we love our dogs is when we convert half the house to accomidate them. Devotion to our dogs...It's a wonderful thing!!!

Katie (Doggie Momma)

Anonymous said...

Thank Dog I found someone with a collar collection bigger than ours. I must tell Mr. Wild Dingo!

I LOVE your laundry room. we have a mudroom/laundry room area. a seat that is storage for toys/tugs, non-using leashes and collars... i love your cabinets and bins tho. I want to remodel our mudroom laundry room and there are some great ideas here!

wild dingo

Smushie Ranch said...

Holy moly Brutus!

You have some well stocked treat cabinets. What's a girl gotta do to be invited over for a date?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Joe Stains said...

woah dude, can I move in with you?? our laundry room is outside in a separate addition and the only thing out there is bird food!!

Sam said...

My lone dog has totally taken over my cabinets and closets, so I can imagine how two would have an even bigger impact! We use a lot of the same stuff as you guys. :)

PS - Marge was most likely not abused, but, instead, horribly unsocialized. She grew up at a rescue organization in Georgia, deprived of meeting lots of new people, experiencing new things, etc. I think this contributes a lot to her problems.

You're probably right about having someone else walk her, and my sister would like to, but I'm just so nervous about her getting either flighty or reactive and me not being there to calm her down and analyze the situation. She walks really well when my sister and I are together, so I've been trying to incorporate that as much as possible.

Kari in Alaska said...

woo hoo! can my girls come to visit some time? looks like a good place to us!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Brutus, have you figured out yet how to climb up to your treats?? If you do let me know, cause mine are up high too. Why shouldn't we have our own cabinets, we are very important family members!

licks and sniffs, Sasha

I was just cleaning out a "Sasha" area and thinking, where did all this come from? lol

Dexter said...

Hehehe! Crazy dog lady alert! We could use those shelves for sure. My stuff is jammed into one drawer in the kitchen which means every time we try to find something we have to take just about everything out.

Maybe someday I will have a dog room all my own too. One can dream.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

WOW!! Can we come visit - except for the dreaded sink and that scary vacuum cleaner this looks like a great place to hang out!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

PoochesForPeace said...

This is hilarious. You could rent you're laundry room out to other dog owners- it has everything you could need right there! Strangly, this post makes me want to go buy dog stuff. Maybe a cute collar... christmas themed dog sweater...hmm

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Now that's one laundry room that we'd like to visit!!

Woofs and Kisses!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Yep, that explains why your mom hosted that award contest. Butt, do you suppose that anyone thinks this is even a tiny bit odd??? I mean really... It is as it should be.
Hey, I have one of those buzzing nail clipper filer thingies/ it doesn't work too well does it.
I see the sticky rollie thingy too. Are you still getting rolled? Still liking it???

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

At least you don't dress Brutus up in clothes/costumes... you'd cry if you saw how much space of our nearly 900 sq foot house they took up!

Daisy Dog said...

LOL! I have the same amount of stuff, but no space!

Dandy Duke said...

It looks like you've just about taken over the laundry room, Brutus! Nice goin'!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

SEDONA said...

Wow, Brutus! Can your human come and reorganize all my stuff too?! Mine is a slob....sigh!
Your pal,