Thursday, November 19, 2009

We Pawed it Forward!!!

Hi everybody - Brutus here!  

Mom is letting me do the post today because I was just SOOO excited about the project we just wrapped up.  You might remember that a few weeks ago we received a fantabulous package from the relentlessly huge himself, Mango.  It was really fun to get a gift like that, and I am still enjoying all the wonderful things he picked out to send me (I even shared a little with Mason).  It was part of a game called Paw it Forward, and to keep up with our part of the deal in playing, we needed to send gifts to three of our friends.

A few days ago mom loaded me up in the car & strapped on my harness.  It wasn't time for agility or any of my training, so I wondered where we were headed

After a short ride, I found out: we were going SHOPPING!!!  Oh man, I love this place!

Mom said we were there to buy the gifts to send to our friends for the Paw It Forward game.  She let me help pick things out, so of course I headed right for one of my favorite aisles!

We had tons of fun picking out fun things to send.  I wanted to make sure we had the perfect pressies for everyone on our list!  Let's see - there's the stuff for Lucy & Tank....  Got some things for Captian & Candy....  What about Deborah's dogs??? 

We finished up our shopping, including a bag of food for our Mason.  We were in the store for a LONG time!  BTW, I always walk around and help shop from the ground.  Mom just plopped me in the cart to inspect the goods (or do you think she did that just to take a picture? Hmmm...).

When we got home mom unpacked everything and laid it out so I could make sure all my buddies had enough stuff.  She also got out some other things she had picked up on a separate shopping trip (without moi, the nerve).  Look at Mason in the background - he was saying "Dude - Mom said to stay away!!  You're gonna be in trouble!  I'm telling...."

Mom found boxes to pack up all the goodies, so that the postman could take them to our friends.  Mason & I kept a close eye on things to be sure that nothing got left out.

I insisted on testing a few things to ensure they were safe for our little friends to play with. Can't figure why mom kept taking them back.  I was only trying to help.....

Next I got busy on the cards.  Mom wrote the notes (my penmanship isn't so hot), but let me sign each one to give it a more personal touch.  As you can see, I took this responsibility very seriously!

I guess you could say that she caught me red-pawed here BOL!

Mom took care of the final packaging details while Mason & I rested on the couch.

After a power nap, I made sure to inspect the packages to make sure she had done it properly. Looked like a good job to me (I would have had a heck of a time with that tape gun myself!), so I gave her packaging job my seal of approval.  

Last thing was to check and make sure that all boxes were labeled & addressed properly so that the postman can deliver them to my friends.  Gee, he must be in really good shape to carry these boxes all the way to California, Arizona & Massachusetts!  Poor guy....

Well, off to the post office they go.  Mom said she had to do that part by herself, since doggies aren't allowed in - whatever!  Actually I was so tired by this point that I was glad to have a little peace and quiet.  Supervising is hard work, you know!!!

So to Captain & Candy (over at I Need a Sugar Fix), Lucy & Tank (from the Plus Size Pug blog) and Deborah and all her pack (at Amazing Animal Lovers' Blog), your presents are officially on the way!!  Hope that the snail mail isn't too jammed up with christmas catalogs, because Mom said they should take no more than a week to get to you.  

Thanks for playing along everyone!  Hope you enjoy having your gifts as much as we did picking them out.  It really is better to give than to receive!  

Now don't forget to Paw it Forward!!!!


Deborah said...

Hi Brutus! Please tell your Mom we are so excited! We can't wait. We haven't been this excited about getting mail since my tax refund came in! LOL
Thanks again, this has made our week!!!
We will PAW IT FOWARD, we have already started shopping!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Brutus Buddy you won't believe this. I know that store!! It is in the same building as the school that I went to!!! Wow! Small world. I love to go there to shop. Sometimes it takes me an hour or more. I'll bet it took you 3 years to do all that shopping. Looks like you did a really spiffy job there. TOYS... I SAW TOYS. AND SNACKS AND BLANKIES. Wow. I didn't know that Frenchies liked to shop too. This was a really fun post to read and look at. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Pee S. It rained in my yard today sooooo I got my Adoption Story all written and pre-posted.
I guess you and I BOTH had a grrreat day.
Hey, this is just for you...
Go Bucks... beat Michigan.
Butt don't tell my mom I said this beclaws #1. she Hates Football & #2 She was born in Detroit.

Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

You did a terrific job snoopervising. PIF is alot of fun! I'm sure all the doggies will enjoy their surprises.


Smushie Ranch said...

How fun Brutus! You look like a most excellent shopper.

Your girlfriend, Stella

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You and your mom did a fantastic job, Brutus. And even Mason got in on the act with his supervising. We are sure the recipients are going to be thrilled with their packages.

Woos, the OP Pack

Sonic said...

What an adventure! That is just so awesome!

You're like a cuter version of that human puppy from the Sixth Sense!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job Brutus helping mom shop and pack all those fun things. I am pretty sure we would have stole a few things out of those boxes too. Yep..caught red pawed..hahahahha
benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
You did a pawesome job with your PIF presents!
First shopping, then supervising!
My mom dreams with the day we have one pet store here! Hmmm...
Kisses and hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like you had a blast getting all that together Brutus!! Isn't PAw it Forward a GREAT game!!!


Courtney said...

Of course someone with such well stocked cupboards would be a good shopper! I bet your PIF recipients will be thrilled with their gifts! Looks like Mason sure was - his eyes look like they are popping out of his head!
Puppy Kisses,

Kari in Alaska said...

I cant wait to post our Paw it forward and start the shopping!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a fun time and trip woo had!

What a grrrreat Paw It Furward experience!


Scooter said...

Yah I agree, with all those cabinets full, you are the perfect shopper. Sure looks like you had fun and got lots of goodies. I am sure the doggies getting them will juts love them!!!

WTG Brut!!


Anonymous said...

Brutus, You're like the best shopping buddy ever. And a really great packer, plus a great "gift sorter..."
maybe i could use you for my holiday shopping??
wild dingo

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow that was one fun shopping trip! You looked adorable in the buggy. Glad you snoopervised...Looks like you have everything in order. Mason's eyes in that " I'm telling...." was priceless and we even BOL!!!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Dexter said...

You mean you don't ride in the cart at the dog store all the time? Maybe you should talk to mom about that.

You did a great job. I bet you are exhausted. But it is so much fun, right?


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

It looks like you and Mason did a great job keeping your Mom on task. We know the recipients will be thrilled when they get their packages.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Looks like you had a super time shopping! You and your Mom did a fantastic job packing everything out too. Good thing you pre-tested the toys ;)

Woofs and Kisses!

The WriggleButts said...

Looks like they're all in for a treat! You did a good job there, Brutus!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Hi There ... I'm Sugar. You did a pawsome supervision. Lots of Godlen PAWS for you. Looking forward to your visit to my blog and friendship. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ziggy Stardust said...

Awesome job Brutus and your Mom too. Sometimes it is just as good to give as it is to receive(well almost).

I bet they will be soooooo happy to get your pressies.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

genji said...

You truly got in the spirit of 'it's better to give than receive'. Your friends are anxiously waiting for the care packages.

Duke said...

Great job shopping, Brutus! You picked out some really nice gifts for your friends!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

It looks like a fun shopping trip! What a great friend you are!

Oakley and Swisher said...

Brutus buddy you are quite the shopper, looks like you had a great time supervising.

Lots of licks--
Oak and Swish