It's been a dreary day... Ugh. Snow all melted in 45F temperatures. Now just wind, rain, sogginess & lots of mud. A day not fit for man nor beast in the great outdoors. Not surprisingly we all suffered a little lack of motivation....

Isn't that what Sundays are for, after all?
Sundays are always lazy sort of days,Brutus. Hope you had a good nap.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Oh Brutus, wish I was there to snuggle and watch foozeball with ya. We have the last bit of sunshine before the next storm comes in so we met up with Mr. Wilson at Bark Park so he and Gunther could have a good romp. I did my best to spoil their fun... bol! Then we went to PetSmart for my birfday and after I picked out my stuff, mom let me shop for your Valentine's Day pressie. I can't wait to send it to you!
Thank you for my birfday wishes and slobbery Frenchie kisses.
Right back at ya handsome.
Hi, Brutus!
Lazy sundays are the best!
And with those weather conditions... much better!
Kisses and hugs
We have been having the same type of weather here - much nicer to be inside napping :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Yup, sundays are being lazy
The rian is melting our snow too and I spend my sunday trying to get warm. Hope you had a nice nap
For an unmotivated Sunday, that pic sure looks like one of those motivational posters! Complete with a halo-ish light behind you!
Stella and Brutus up in a tree, KISSING. Woooiw... It IS almost the Valentine month you know. You have your Stella, I have MY Ruby and Penny. SIGH
Think LOVE on a dreary Sunday. I'm just sayin'.
We did a nice long walk today and then got to sit and watch Mommy & Daddy eat outside at a restaurant. That could have been torture,but they kept passing us corn chips through the railing that we were tied to, so it was okay!
BabyRD 7 Hootie
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Caps and Candy did ALL day! They are still sleepy!!
No matter what Brutus is doing, he is so dang cute!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Oh Brutus you look so adorable sleeping on your blankie. Hopefully the sun will shine soon
Benny & Lily
Yep, hope you enjoyed it!! :)
Sundays are for watching football and having a fire in our fireplace and eating macaroonies!
And mom's Saints are headed to the SuperBowl! whoooooooohooooooooooooo
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Brutus,
That is the same thing we did here yesterday. Only five more weeks and winter will be about over, we hope!
I agree completely. Unfortunately, if one attempts a nap near supper time, one's meditations are disturbed by PeeWee Pace A Lot circling about looking for his foodables. Sigh.
sundays are all about the lack of motivation!
Aaah, but lousy weather on a Sunday does mean snuggles too. I hope it gets better in your neck of the woods, Brutus. It's about to start raining again in LA. Haven't head about evacuations though yet, and I'm hopeful.
Woof! Woof! Great way to spend Sunday. How did you spend your Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Naps, nothing better than naps....any day of the week.
Looks like the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
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