I have all sorts of things lined up to post - a few more contest entries (dogpile & sit-stay to name a few), the second installment of our teeter build, new agility photos... Unfortunately Brutus is feeling a little under the weather and just doesn't feel up to helping. He's had the poo sickies since Monday, really ugly & not getting better. Think he picked up a nasty bug somewhere in the line of duty (he's around a lot of other dogs between tagging along with me, training, and shows). Not to worry, as we now have some medicine from our vet to make Brutus feel better real soon. Since I don't feel right posting without his valuable input, please pardon our little hiatus while Brutus re-cooperates. Hope to have him back in tip-top shape within the next day or two, but I know the Brute would appreciate any positive thoughts you can send our way!!
Sorry to hear it buddy. Poo sickies stink in every sense of the word for everyone involved! Hope it passes (pun intended) in no time!
Hope you feel better soon Brutus! Not fun feeling sickie!
Little Buddy! Be careful to take your medicines. The poo sickies are worrisome in a small guy like you. I am glad your mom is focusing full time on making you feel better with lots of love an snuggles.
Oh poor Brutus, you look just pitty full lying about. Do you want me to come over and snuggie with you? When I feels rumbly in the tummbly...I likes to snuggle with someone. I hope you gets up and about soonest. I was looking forward to seeing you at MM events and cheering you on to victory.
Take care and gets better soon so you can do more zoom zooms around the house.
get better soon!
Brutus, we are pawing you our strongest sibe vibes for you to feel better very soon. Hope those meds work quickly - you look so sad there. Thanks for letting us know, Brutus' Mom. Good thoughts from OP.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Get well soon Brutus.
Hiya little guy - aww, it's rubbish when you're feeling 'bleugh' isn't it? We really hope you feel better soon - we're sending healing schnauzer vibes your way in the wish that you'll be bounding around like your old self again soon. Take care - schnauzer snuggles, JD and Max.
Hi Brutus, Hope you feel better soon. Did your mom steal some of your poop and give it to the VET???
My mom did that once. I was not amused.
Well, I think you probably have a bad case of Cat Crap Fever. Don't worry though, it won't turn you into a cat or anything. OK???
Hang in there Brutus...we are hoping you get better real quick!!!
Oh Brutus,
We feel your pain... really we do!
We too are sick and have been since Monday as well. Mom's taking us to the vet tonight; I hope she's able to make our tummies feel better. This not eating thing really blows!
We'll keep good thoughts and hope you get well soon!
Belly rubs
Oh know Brutus! I'm having mom buy a airline ticket so I can jump on the next plane outta here to be with you.
The poo poo sickies are no fun. And your momma is probably making you fast too...oh the horror! I'll come out there and sneak you some yummers.
Much love,
Poor Brutus! We hope you haven't eaten anything bad and that your tummy feels better soon. Take care.
Your friends,
NIamh & Ambrose
I have my paws crossed for you, Brutus!
Take your meds and you will be like new in no time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hope you feel better soon. This is when Mom always brings out the chicken and rice.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I think Brutus is faking it! What a heartless comment. Sorry, it's just the runs, right? My Linguini is also on meds for those, but we need meds for out noses now (she toots). What I mean is, Brutus may be intimidated by my glorious photos entered thus far in several contests. Okay, joke over. Brutus, feel better mi amigo. :) Kisses to make you better?
Healing thoughts coming your way. I hope Brutus feels better soon. Canned pumpkin (not the kind with sugar added) can help firm up a loose stool. Hope the medicine helps soon.
Hope Brutus feels better soon!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Oh our poor friend ..feel better Brutus. The best recipe..cottage cheese and cooked white rice
Benny & Lily
Ahhh Brutus, we are thinking of you and hoping you are in grade A shape real soon!
Poor guy. The poops are no fun - we had those in September. Hope he's feeling back to his old self soon. Give him a kiss from us!
Get better soon Brutus! Hopefully you won't be missing too much fun while you recover!!
Hey Brutus buddy
Get better soon! These sickies are just not on! I know how it feels. Lots of love to Mom too and healing vibes to you.
Your friend in South AFrica
We are sending you lots of AireZen, Brutus! Feel better little buddy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We hope Brutus feels better soon!
Woofs and Kisses!
We hope for a quick and full recovery!
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