Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sending some Valentines' Love

I'm sending my heart out to my loves: mom & Stella.

No Frenchie should be alone on Valentines Day, so could you please get here soon??


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Valentine's Day to ALL of WOO too!


houndstooth said...

I'm sure Stella's heart is going pitter pat after seeing those pictures!


Cocorue said...

happy hearts day to you and your mumster dear Brutus

since you're taken, i wouldn't dare dream bol.....


Bijou said...

What a guy won't do for his sweeties huh Brutus? That fuzzy pink headgear is SO you!!

Happy Valentine's Day!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those two sweethearts must be racing to get to you after those pics.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Oskar said...

Valentines hugs to you little pal!

kissa-bull said...

happy vawentines day you gorgeous frenchie
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Valentines! I love your headband

Smushie Ranch said...

It breaks my heart that mom won't buy me an airline ticket to come see you! Specially since your mom is out of town and you're feeling so lonely. I'm stuck here with Gunther and Betty.

I got your Valentine's package. Mom took a lot pictures. She's going to post them tonight. I tried to hide in the box so mom could ship me back to you, but she wasn't falling for it... :(

Maybe we should talk to our families about moving closer together to we don't have to suffer being apart.

Your Valentine,

Lorenza said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Brutus!
I hope your mom comes back in time to celebrate with you!
Kisses and hugs


Hi Brutus,

Now all them hearts are not obvious at all! If she doesn't get the message after seeing this post, then you better come live with us! Our mommy is always home!

Butt we bet it won't be much longer before she's flying through that door to kiss your sweet little face!

Be sure to smear her lipstick, revenge is sweet!

Happy Valentine's Day little buddy,

Luv ya,
Riley and Star. xoxoxoxoox!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

What furry cute Valentines ears you have Brutus! Love the picture all were priceless.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day Brutus! We love that second picture of you. I bet Stella will find it irresistable!!

Scooter said...

Handsome pics there Brutus,

Happy Valentines Day to you!!

I am sure your mom misses you too and she will be home pretty soon. Hang in there!!

Achieve1dream said...

Very cute pictures Brutus! Happy Valentines Day!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hope your Mama gets home FAST!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Dory and Bilbo

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Brutus!
Happy Valentine's Day!
♥ Melissa & Emmitt

Daisy Dog said...

Happy Valentines Day Brutus, love your hat!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Brutus you are so adorable!!! By the looks of that last picture, it looks like mom must have arrived home..BOL
Happy Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily

Diane said...

Hi Brutus, I read about ypu on Stella, Gunther & Betty's blog & had to come by. I'm so glad I did. You are so so almost took my breath away. I fell instantly in love:>) I'll be back!
I hope your mom is home very soon.
I'm sure she must be missing you!!
xoxo Diane

Unknown said...

Way to include your mom, Brutus.
Happy Valentine's day :)

Hank said...

Hey there, Brutus, buddy! Nice pitchers of ya!

We found yer blog through our pals Gunther, Stella an' Betty. So, yer mom is in the tooth business, huh? My mom is, too, 'cept she's one o' them dental highjeenuhsts.

Happy V Day, bud!


PoochesForPeace said...

Wow Brutus i think cupid hit you with an arrow!

Duke said...

You look just adorable! Happy Valentine's day, Brutus!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Taffy said...

What a good boy you are, Brutus! I would never let someone put something like that on my head. I sure hope your valentines have made their way to you and are smothering you in kisses right now!
Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Amber and Nala said...

Oh Brutus, you are quite the model! WOWZERS!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh Brutus dear boy, you are so adorable!! The Valentine headdresses are too funny. You are The Man!! Or maybe we should say you are The Dawg! We hope that your mama got home to cuddle you.
XX-BabyRocketDog and Hootie