Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Something from Brute's Sweetie

I meant to get this posted before Valentines' day, but got behind due to my travels. Brutus has been driving me nuts to post his presents from his girlfriend,
Stella, afraid she'd think he was not her Valentine! Seems like love has sprouted everywhere these days, but Brutus and Stella are a hard act to follow. Gotta keep my eye on Brutus, he is always trying to mail himself out to California to be with his sweetie, and it looks like she has attempted to do the same!

Early last week a box arrived on our front porch. As soon as I brought it in Brutus knew it was for him, and proceeded to gnaw on the corner of the box.

Although Brutus was a little disappointed that Stella herself was not in the box (we knew she was small, but I told him not to get his hopes up), he was happy to unpack the goodies she so thoughtfully sent.

Stella, you in there??

Dang. Thought it was a little too small of a box... But look at all the cool stuff Stella sent me!

I love this little stuffie! Just the right size for me.

Ooohhh... Bully stick!! You really know the way to a Frenchie's heart!!

Hey! Stella was in there after all!!

Chewing on my treat and dreaming of my sweetie! Only thing better would be if she was actually here to share it with me!!

The photo of Stella sits next to Brute's crate to keep him company when we are not home. And I already put the little pug bookmark to good use, keeping my place in a great book while I travelled last week. It's so fun to get and give things from all our friends, especially Stella. BWT Shannon, heard that you have another budding romance on your hands with Gunther and our pal Twinkie (look out, I think they are planning to elope)!! How will you ever keep track of it all??? And what about Betty - we need to find a special someone for her or she'll feel left out (being a fifth wheel is never fun)!

Thanks again for all the wonderful goodies! We loved the videos you posted of Stella with her stuffies (in case you all didn't see Stella's post, Brutus sent her Valentine gifts too), hope they are all new favorites! Here's a big smooch from your man:

Thanks for all the awesome pressies, Stella!
Love ya'!


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

D'oh! True love! I can't wait until I'm old enough to date! :-) Brutus, you and Stella are very luck to have each other!

*kissey face*

Amber and Nala said...

How cute! I love all your pictures with your pressies Brutus...you look so happy. :) If only Stella lived closer.


Unknown said...

You two are just so cute!!!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

What a wonderful package! Those little loofa dogs are the best!

Wags and Licks,
MOllie Jo & Bobo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey Brutus, what a grrrreat Idea. I've gotta get a pic of Ruby and Penny put in a frame. I could keep it on MY bed and mom could hold it when I kiss them good night. Your Stella is a stunner that's for sure. Isn't it grrreat about Twinkie and Gunther??? I'm wanting to double date with them.
Love all the stuff Stella sent you. Lucky in Love... Right??? I'm just sayin'.

Maxmom said...

A belated happy valentine's day, Brutus! Geesh..you've got yourself a nice girl there! ENjoy your gifts.

Moose said...

Stella is a great gal pal for sure!
And Drooltonium? I BOLd at that one! I believe you have coined a new term in Blogland!

Kari in Alaska said...

awesome gifts and a super cool bookmark!

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...

Stella! Oh, Stella!

Brutus, you are one lucky boy getting all those gifts, that Stella is really into you!

How excited are you that the French Bulldog captures the 2010 Best of Non-Sporting Title at Westminster last night! We're rooting for him in Best in Show tonight (unless the Miniature Schnauzer wins for the Terrier group... hehehe).


Unknown said...

Brutus, dude, I'm sorry Stella wasn't in the box, but that give you the right to demand to come to California. I look forward to meeting you and if you like I can pick you up for the airport for a quick grooming session before you see your Stella. I can't believe you heard the rumors. Shhh. M doesn't know.

Scooter said...

You sure are lucky to get a package Brutus. Looks like Stella takes good care of you and that frame is so cute. A red stuffie is just your color too!!


Anonymous said...

Easy Brutus....get control of yourself! You gotta be cool in front of the ladies!

But, I guess you can't hide the fact that you are a real stud muffin!!

Yer pal,

Duke said...

What nice gifts from Stella! We bet your favorite is her framed photo!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Smushie Ranch said...

Brutus! I was so worried about you. The next time your mom goes out of town to look at a bunch of teeth, she should stop off in California with you so you can stay with me. Granted you'd have to endure Betty's farting, but you're probably used to that.

I'm glad you enjoyed your pressies. Nothing is good enough for you my sweet French fry. Believe me, I tried to find a box big enough to ship myself to you. But the parents were having none of it.


Deborah said...

Hi Brutus! Love your gifts! Did you happen to see who won the Non-Sporting group last night at the Westminster Dog Show? I gave you a SHOUT!!!!
Have a great day Brutus!!!

Achieve1dream said...

So sweet!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Aww, Brutus, ain't love just grand?!!!

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Brutus you are hysterical! If you mail yourself to CA please stop by. BOL
Hey we won last night at Westminster. YEA!!
Benny & Lily

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful sweetie you have Brutus!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
Stella sent you pawesome and yummy presents!
I am sure you are enjoying them a lot!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

so so SO cute! true love is so obvious!

The WriggleButts said...

What a great present!

PS: We gave you an award!