Monday, May 24, 2010


I start today's post on a somber note, as we just learned that a good blogging furiend has finished his journey in this world.  

MAX was freed to cross the Rainbow Bridge earlier today, and we have no doubt he bounded joyfully across it, whilst casting a reassuring smile back over his shoulder to thank his family for such a great life!  MAX was a wise dog who recently taught us all what it really meant to enjoy every moment.  Hugs & Frenchie kisses to his family, it's never easy to say goodby to a friend no matter how long you have to prepare.  Godspeed, dear MAX

So many furiends and bloggers seem to have lost members of their packs lately.  I'd like to share with you all a lovely quote by Irving Townsend, one that comforted me last fall when I had to let my old terrier Duncan slip away.  

We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.

So go out there and make as many memories as you can with your family, both human & furry! With that in mind, I turn the rest of the post over to Brutus, who is just bursting to tell more about the hints we left in our last post.

Hidey Ho there!  Mom was all leaky after reading about our furiend MAX, so I dried off the keyboard & offered to finish up the post on a lighter note.  I'm just that kinda guy...

Thanks to everyone who played along with the little game in our last post - there was everything from totally correct answers to totally off-the-wall ones.  We're too sly to let all the Frenchies (ahem) cats out of the bag at once, but here are most of the answers.

If you didn't guess it from the items surrounding my stunning, shiny self in the photo above, we are ready to head off on another Earlventure!  Big Earl is getting all gussied up and ready for his longest treck to date, and of course Mason & I get to go along for the ride!

Can you see that book right in front of my nose?  Its full of all kinds of cool places mom says we'll get to see out West - Yellowstone National Park, Jackson Hole, Badlands National Park, even Mount Rushmore!  How many Frenchies have gotten to see all that??  I am gonna be one well-traveled frog, this should be quite the journey!

The other thing we hinted at that falls into the "journey" category included a photo of one of my Flat selves in front of a nifty sign.  Here's a clearer version:

I was so excited to hear that I get to go with mom to Wisconsin this fall for the National Specialty!  There will be (as Frankie would say) like 87 million Frenchies there!  And as our pal Mayzie so astutely pointed out, hopefully lots of CHEESE too!!  

Actually this sort of goes along with the photo of Flat Brutus jumping through a tire, because I get to compete in the first agility event ever offered at the specialty!  Do you think the French Bulldog Club heard I was good at agility & decided they just must include an event that can showcase my brilliance? Mom says I'm also getting entered in Rally and (gasp!) obedience, so there'd better be a whole lot of cheese like the sign says!!

So that's all I'm tellin' for now.  Sorry to leave ya hanging on the last item from the quiz, but mom won't let me tell just yet.  Frankly, I'm still a bit confused about it myself, so when I figure out what else mom is up to, I'll slip you some more hints!  For now, I'm off to make sure mom packs all my favorite toys and collars for the trip.  I wonder if they'll let me drive this time...

10-4, Good buddies!  Brutus over & out!


Wilma said...

Weareso sorry to hear of the passing of your furend. That is a beautiful quote you shared. I guess us little pups should count our blessings that you all are willing to love us no matter for how long.
Brutus. You are going to have a blast. Those giant men in the mountain look a little scary though. I love your face in that picture of you jumping. It looks like your checking to make sure everyone is watching. Can't wait to hear secret #3

Smushie Ranch said...

Brutus, we are very saddened about Max and his family. It's so hard to let our loved one go, no matter if it's time or not.

Sooooo, Stella is jumping around asking if there are any books about California in that pile. There's lots of wedding planning going on around here.


agent99 said...

Momma and Honey went to Yellowstone last year. The picture they took in May had SNOW!! We are so glad we got to stay home. But hte humans saud they had a great time, communing with the buffalo!
Have a great Earl-venture!!

Gen & the Foo

PeeS: It's always sad to hear about our friends who go to the rainbow bridge - hope you feel better soon!

My Sons Mum said...

An award for you on my blog my friend:) xx Major

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Make sure you pack your snow booties! We got snow today! (And we've got a picture of your flat self cavorting in it!) We are very much looking forward to your Earl-venture. (But we're sad that you are going to be so close, and yet so far away! We'll have to comfort ourselves with your flat self!)

*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby, the Giant Pest)

Scout and Freyja said...

Max was loved by so many who had never took him for a walk, or touched his fur, or kissed his forehead but his passing has rocked the dog-blogworld. Your tender post is so greatly appreciated.

Maxmom said...

I'm sorry that I've not had the energy to read your post fully, but I do want to say thank you for your love and support over this difficult time.
Your tribute is beautiful and yes...that is most certainly what Max would have wanted...GO OUT AND MAKE MEMORIES! LIVE LIFE TO THE MAX!
Many thanks for being our friends. We couldn't have come through this without the cyber love that has come our way.
With love

Sonic said...

So sorry to hear about Max!

Everyone really misses him, huh? Wow, I should've gotten to know him before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.


Tiffany and the Munchkins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

We are sorry to hear about Max. We didn't know him but we are certain his loss is greatly felt by many.

We can't wait to hear all about your upcoming Earlventures. We think having a moving house that we could take everywhere we go would be perfect!

Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh how exciting!!! Of COURSE they will let you DRIVE... You DO have a license you know.

Golden Samantha said...

Your Maxtribute is beautiful, Brutus - and right on the money. Living life to the fullest each moment is a gift the Max seemed to have had. So sorry we haven't checked in for a visit recently - things have been crazy around here. So... we haven't read your clues... for what? We'll go back and see! Sounds like a great adventure you are headed for - what a talented Brutus you are! Bravo!
Hugs xoxoxo

Sam said...

We are sad about Max, too. What a nice tribute to him.

Good luck at Frenchie Nationals, flat Brutus! And yes, Michelle, my internet is working again (thank goodness) - so I will definitely have to go back and look at some Brutus agility vids!

Anonymous said...

That was a Most Beautiful quote your mom put on the bloggie. It made my mom leaky.

It sure does look like you're gonna have some of the most awesomest adventures ever! I'm SO excited about that place with all the cheese! I gotta talk to mom and dad abouts taking me on a vacation there.

Good luck with your agilitys! I know you'll just bowl them all over with your amazing talents.

I hope you get to drive but you might have to get mom or dad to work the pedals for you.

Wiggles & Wags,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such a wonderful Max tribute!! adventure!! Mama must go back and read us your last post...we must have missed it!


Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Kitty+Coco said...

Breaker Breaker 1-9..
Did someone say cheese? My sister Coco knows how to cut it! That wasn't very nice. Sorry. You can eat a piece of cheese for Max.

Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Oh Brutus why must you tease us and leave us sitting on the edge of our seats?

Good Luck in the land of cheese!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Uncle Puppy

kissa-bull said...

furry much touching tribute
but we shall all meet again wiff our departed angels and that will be the most glorious day ever to be

pibble sniffles
the pittie pack

Dandy Duke said...

Our dad is going to be in Wisconsin at the end of July and early August! Maybe he'll run into you! You never can tell!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Martine said...

Lovely tribute to Max and thank you for sharing the quote.

YOUR TRIP sounds FANTASTIC Brutus!!! Mount Rushmore... how cool!!!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Joe Stains said...

We were bummed about Max too :( But we know he is having a blast with all of our old pals.

Sounds like you get to go on a great adventure!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful thoughts on the passing of Max. It was all so sad.

We missed the previous post, life just gets too busy, but it sounds like there is a lot of fun and adventure ahead for you and Mom.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Oskar said...

So sneaky. I know you will have a blast on your trip!