Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Into the Woods

Fall has FINALLY arrived in the Midwest, hooray!  It's about time - I swear it has been close to 90 degrees every day since May, and we had forgotten what rain looked like.  The cool temperatures are such a relief!

So now the Frenchies and I can at last get back to one of our favorite things - walking or hiking a few miles every day.  Recently we took advantage of a beautiful Autumn morning by hiking in nearby Buckeye Woods.

We headed into the woods, leaves crunching underfoot and the smell of fall strong in the crisp morning air.

 Brutus made sure we wouldn't loose our way, and was sure to "mark" the trail frequently.
What did you think I was going to do - leave a trail of bread crumbs?
As we walked along, I happened to look down at just the right time and we found a little treasure in the leaves.
We don't see anything here but leaves, why is mom so excited
Look, it's a buckeye!  No wonder they call this "Buckeye Woods"! 

The buckeye happens to be the state tree of Ohio, but more importantly is also the namesake of our favorite college football team, Ohio State (notice Carmen's leash is OSU)!

I'd be more excited if we could eat it...
We hiked (or in Carmen's case, ran & sniffed, & ran & sniffed) along the trail for a few miles, some of which is lined with picturesque pine trees 

Sometimes nature can make you feel so small...
Of course we stopped a few times for water/rest breaks.

As I was trying to get a good picture, a leaf fell right in front of them - it was funny because they both watched it go down.  Not sure if the photo is as funny as the actual moment, but I had to include it.
There goes another one!  These trees sure do shed a lot!
And you know I can't resist a good photo opportunity!

There's a fungus among us!!

OK, enough with the camera already.  Can we just get back to the walk, please?
Being in great physical shape (especially for Frenchies), Brutus & Carmen both were still going strong after about four miles.  Too bad there were other things I had to accomplish that day, and so it was time to head back to the car.  It was the first of what we hope will be MANY fall hikes - it's so wonderful to enjoy the scenery, plus it's great exercise for all of us (and part of Brutus' agility conditioning too, but don't tell him that!)

As we got cleaned up to get back in the car, I couldn't help but notice that this trash can seemed to have been put there specifically for my boy - it even has his name on it (look close to the top).
Seriously, mom?  The things I put up with....
Oh, and one last thing.  In case you missed it, make sure you go back and enter Carmen's giveaway - all you have to do is comment on our "Clean + Green" post.  Only two more days to enter, until midnight EST Thursday! 

Less than 25 entries so far, so you have a good chance to win some great stain-removal products!  Not that any of you out there are messy, we're just sayin'...


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow what a great place to trot! We loved the leaf falling pic...We BOL! Hope we can "join" you on more walks in the future.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Tucker said...

Holy Crap Brutus! i am so glad that someone besides me was named after a trashcan! I feels so much better now.

Now, what do you call a deer with no eyes?

No idea --- BOL...BOL... I crack myself up.

woof - Tucker

Maxmom said...

Hey there Brutus...
I don't think I've had the courage yet to come to your blog...I'm still a puppy! Maxmom said, "Today's the day!"
So nice to meet you at last!
Geesh, you guys have a fabulous 'woods' there...are there any squirrels?
I loved coming along with you today: I loved your pictures and your felt like I went along with you. Phew, I'm tired now.


Wilma said...

Wow, Mom learned something new today. She did not know the origin of the buckeye. Now she understands the name of the cookie that looks the same.
That looks like a wonderful hike. We've got the fall temperatures too, but rain all week:-(

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Wow, what a great place for a walk!! It is beautiful :)

We are enjoying the cooler weather too!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are really enjoying the wonderful autumn weather here too. Lots of long walks and cool breezes. Love basking in the sun on the deck instead of baking in the sun.

That photo of Brutus and Carmen in the tall pine trees is really good.

Happy Wednesday.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

Oskar said...

How fun to find go for a cool hike like that.

We love all of the pictures of the "kids" looking up at the camera & I think them looking at the leaf is adorable!

Nubbin wiggles,

Kari in Alaska said...

Ha all my time at Ohio State and I never saw a real buckeye tree!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, what a super terrific hike! Thank you for taking me along! And how Most Wonderful that you found a real-live buckeye! I don't think I would ever find a Sooner in the woods.

Wiggles & Wags,

Dandy Duke said...

Four miles is a nice long hike! Lucky you and what a beautiful day for it! We have never seen a buckeye before! Mitch probably would have eaten it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Donna said...

I love ur tree pikshers! :) I like to play in the park. It is fun to sniff everything. :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great post kids. No wonder its called Fall cause all those bucks eyes and leaves are shedding more than us. Awesome picture of you two sitting in the middle of the big path. Hope it was a fun hike
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

What a fun walk and lots of sniffin... That picture of you and Carmen looking small was sooo cute. Mom should frame that one for sure. Its a keeper!!


Anonymous said...

What a fun (funny) and beautiful (gorgeous) walk in the woods :)

How I would have enjoyed walkin with y'all! :)

Waggin at ya,

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

That looks like such a wonderful fall hike that you two had!! We are still waiting for the leaves to turn here, so we can roll in them!! They are still green!

Happy Weekend!
The Fiesty Three

Dexter said...

Good thing I am keeping tabs on momma because when we started reading this entry, she said we had already read it once! Yuh, but forgot to comment!

Anyhoo, I am loving the little Frenchies watching leaves fall photo, but do be careful in those woods. They look HUGE and you look TINY and there could be forest monsters in there.
