Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's All About ME!

Hey everybody!  Brutus at the keyboard today!  

After a busy few weeks we have some downtime here before all the chaos of the holidays goes into full swing.  One thing that mom & I like to do is cuddle up on the couch with a blankie and a good book.  I'm always up for that, but recently mom had a special surprise for me.  We read the BEST book EVER!!!  Allow me to explain...

A few weeks ago mom spent a bunch of time on messing around on the 'puter.  Well, she does that a lot, actually...  Anyhoo, she was on this website that takes your bloggie and makes it into your very own book!  

You can't judge a book by it's cover, but with that handsome guy on the front it's GOT to be good!!

 OMD - I'm published!  A real hard-cover book, all about ME!!  Well, what are we waiting for - let's crack this baby open!! 

Sweet!  A dedication!!
Wow, mom.  That means a lot...  I hope you all will biggify that photo above to see what nice things she said about me.  I'd totally be blushing right now if you could see through my shiny black furs!!

Look at that!  I'm on every page!!
So this place called Blog 2 Print took everything we've posted - text, photos, captions, even the comments from our furiends - and put it in a form we can put your paws on.  Mom says it's a momento she'll always have even if Blogger goes *poof* someday.  Besides, if our internet connection goes down some day, we can just pull out the book to keep us busy until the cable company gets it fixed!

It's a real page-turner, I'm telling you!
Our blog tends to have a lot of photos on it, and there is a limit to how many you can put into the book.  So we call this book "Volume One" - it encompasses the first 8 months of what we've posted.  I think we might have something that resembles Encyclopedia Brittanica by the time we catch up to where we are now!

That's the back cover, where mom put what she says is one of her all time favorite pictures of me (how can you not be impressed by a bulldog flying, after all?).  I have to say, it's a quality production all-around; glossy pages, crisp print & sharp photos, nice binding, a substantial piece of work for sure!

It's like having my very own yearbook!  I can't wait to see how Volume Two turns out!!

Read it & weep, Carmen!
So if any of my friends would like your very own hard copy of our bloggie, I'm available for pawtigraphs.  Or better yet, go to and have your human get one starring you!

Wonder if I'll make the New York Times bestseller list.... 


dw said...

How cool, Brutus! You sure have a photogenic face that is just perfect for that book! I'm sure it includes one of my favorite posts (ok, I like your agility posts, too) -- comparing you to the Dragon! You are indeed a little goblin! Oh, and I think it's so great of you to share your new header with Carmen. You're such a good big brother and I can't wait to read of your further adventures!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh My word Brutus what are you up to now..BOL..What a cool idea. You sure do have a lot of reading to do. We will check it out.
Benny & Lily
Pee S. we had to mention you tand Carmen today cause Carmen gave Benny a bad idea. We also are shopping for our gift exchange for sis...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We saw that one of our kitty furiends' human got one of those books too. It is a wonderful idea. Mom says she just might have to think about it.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I would have commented EARLIER..butt I had to wake up beclaws when I saw this.. I FAINTED. How Cool Drool that is.
Congratulations Brutus the Book version.

Hey... guess what.. you can do Carmen's adoption story and then go back and Copy and Paste Yours on with it.. and don't furget Mason. LOTS of peeps and fur folks will want to read YOUR story now that you are in a book and stuff. YAY for U.

houndstooth said...

That is so cool! Brutus, what a perfect idea. I am so glad you shared it with us!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
It is a pawesome idea!
Sure you are going to have lots of volumes!
I am going to tell my mom about it!
Thanks for telling us!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

That is such a great idea! It's bound to be a best seller fur sure!


Oskar said...

That is so cool! Now I want one too. Thanks for telling us about it.

You're a superstar.

Nubbin wiggles,

Scooter said...

I bet it will make the best selling list for sure! I will HAVE to have my mom check that out too. Thanks for the info.


Kari in Alaska said...

what a super cool idea!


verobirdie said...

What a good idea! and you know how to present it, you are so photogenic.

Kapitein Haakje said...

how cool is that to have a book about yourself!!
so coool!

El'bow & Hauwii

Duke said...

How special this is, Brutus! This is a keepsake for ever and ever!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sonic said...

What a great idea!

You definitely have a lot of handsome photos, Brutus. Though my favorite is the one of the flying Frenchie!!!


Remington said...

That is the coolest thing ever! I am going to tell Beth about it and maybe she will get mine in print! Thanks for sharing, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brutus! That is one of the neatest things I ever, ever saw! I luvs that they put the comments in there, too. Cuz I thinks the comments from furends are one of the best parts of having a bloggie!

Thanks for telling us all about it. We're gonna have to check it out!

Wiggles & Wags,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...


That book is super cool!! Maybe we can talk mom and dad into getting us one of those of our blog for Christmas!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

the booker man said...

holy cow! that is so super duper cool that you made your bloggie into a book like that! once word gets out to everybuddy, your book is gonna sell out for sures! enjoy cuddlin' with your mama and lookin' back on totally funsies memories. :)

the booker man

pee s -- i would looove to have you and miss carmen up on my friendz wall! all you gotta do is send me a bark mail with your picture attached. my mama's got that fancy photo paper so she can print out your picture! my bark mail is iamthebookerman (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

Dexter said...

We visited that blog to print place a while ago, but when momma found out how much it would cost she almost fainted. I told her to just choose my most favorite posts, but she had a hard time with that. Glad you got published. What they need is a subscription service that automatically makes a book every so many posts so then it isn't a ton of money all at once.


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Congrats on the book!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and telling me about your greyhound relatives. Good luck in your adventures! Non-traditional breeds are the best!

Cocorue said...

coooool and you're so photogenic

mumster Knows about that and couldn't decide on What to put in my book( IF i ever get one and now with Tiffy around, i doubt it will ever materialise)

come over for your award

Barbara said...

Your own book! You're famous!!

Frankie sent us. Love your blog!!