Perhaps I have a little explaining to do. You are all going to notice sooner or later - Carmen is wearing pants. It's pretty hard to miss:
Are you there, God? It's me - Carmen.... |
The majority of us bloggers are women, and most of you are either from my generation or have children in my generation. I therefore apologize to the much smaller group of followers with Y chromosomes if this post makes you a little squirmy...
So do you remember the Judy Blume book entitled "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret". It was pretty much required reading for me and all my fellow pre-teens when we started asking questions about, how shall I say... Womanhood?
Well, just one week shy of turning 9 months old, my little princess officially left her puppyhood behind. Carmen is in heat* (please see footnote at end of post if you find this concerning)!
I figured as long as she needs to wear pants for hygiene reasons, she might as well look good. No saggy diapers for the Drama Queen - these are "Hot Pants"!!!
I mean really - these are some pretty sexy britches! |
A big "paws up" to Hot Pants, as they really do stay put and Carmen doesn't mind them at all! I'm actually amazed that they stay on, especially since she doesn't have a tail to help keep them in place. We have two pair, which is a good thing because I keep needing to wash them. I like the black/lace/rhinestone heart version better, but the hot pink/polka-dot bow are pretty darn cute too.
Eat your hearts out, boys! |
My plan for Carmen has always been first and foremost that she be a happy & well-adjusted pet, and secondly a performance teammate. She also turned out to be exceedingly pretty (even by Frenchie breed standards), so I'm also enjoying letting Carmen strut her stuff in the confirmation ring while she is still eligible (all dogs/bitches must be intact). She will be spayed sometime next year (but don't tell Carmen that, okay?), but for now she is gloriously a woman!
So we are about 9 days into Carmen's cycle, not quite half way though. This is all new territory for all us, and I'm happy to say "so far, so good". Brutus has been a gentleman the vast majority of the time (he's neutered, but I'm not sure he knows that), and Mason could care less. Other than the fact that my little woman is walking around in pants, it's pretty much business as usual here.
The only thing different is that Carmen seems to be especially interested in supervising her back yard. Perhaps she's looking for someone tall, dark & handsome (Jaeger Farr, are you reading this?) to come and sweep her off her feet? Watching the snowflakes come down & blanket her back yard? Or maybe just waiting for Santa to come? Whatever it is, I've never had a dog that looks UP at the sky so much!!
Hey, Santa - just bring me one of everything. And don't skimp on the stuff from Tiffany's, OK? I've been a VERY good girl!! |
I just know my knight in shining armor is out there somewhere - maybe he's buried in all this snow!?! |
Rest assured, Carmen is never away from my watchful eyes or ever off leash outside! No dates for the Drama Queen, sorry.... No matter how much pouting I have to endure!
Oh I almost forgot - here's my disclaimer:
*I debated about posting about my Carmen being intact, mostly because rescue is such a big presence in the DWB community. I know all too well that there are certainly more doggies in the world than could ever find forever homes, and do what I can to support resuce (like the Flat Brutus Project for FBRN). However I also support quality/purebred dog breeders who conscientiously health test and make their breeds better though responsible, limited breeding (as opposed to puppy mills or pet shops).
I have never seen such beautiful doggy panties before! Ariel and Buffy were *fixed* years and years ago...No puppies for us.
Have a good day!
OMG, I love those hot pants. Lincoln has to wear a belly band sometimes when he decides to mark everything. hehe
but it is no where as stylish as this!
Minnie Moo
Nice panties, Carmen!
Wow, those really are some hot pants!! I let my first maltese go though her first heat also, and man I do not envy you changing pants constantly! :p
Lots of people tend to think intact = constant breeding for some reason. Good for you for letting her grow!
Carmen, we need to know where you shop. Mom makes us wear little boys underwear with our tail stuck out the fly - not very sexy to say the least.
We are all for rescue, but as you know, we support responsible breeders too. Just stay away from petshops and puppy mills.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
You shouldn't feel guilty because you have an intact bitch and I certainly hope that no one tries to pull that on you. My Bess is intact and I feel absolutely no guilt about it whatsoever. We all make our choices, and if someone wants to try and make me feel bad for purchasing exactly what I want, too bad for them and I won't refrain from telling them so.
Either way, have fun in conformation. It's an interesting sport!
Purty Panties Purty Carmen!
Bobo and Meja
Woo-hoo!!! Sexy panties there, Ms. Carmen!!! It's a good thing your Mom is responsible (and we know she is), 'cause we think you'd have ALL the boys running after you in those panties!!! Heehee! Looking sharp there, missy!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
PeeEss: Thanks again for picking us for the Christmas cards - Mom ordered them the other night and we can hardly wait for them to arrive because our mailing list seems to be growing longer again!
ewww girl stuffs. I guess it's only fair since Mango always talks about his nards and lipstick.
woof - Tucker
Its all part of life. We do however agree you should be fahsionable at ALL times. Carman you are totally adorable in your hot pants.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Olivia
Those are very sexy panties, Carmen!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, those are just the secured panties ever. You think I will be able to pull them off if I enter the ranks of the incontinent geriatric pug? No worries about keeping Carmen intact, no matter what your reasons. I am from a responsible breeder and am very happy I came from such champion lines. It makes me who I am.! Carmen, I am just beside myself with all the cuteness that is you in those panties. If anybuddy can pull off rhinestone panties, it is Most Definitely the Drama Queen!
My momma says she agrees with your momma abouts responsible breeders who do health testing and stuff. Nothing wrong with that. Why, if it weren't for a breeder like that, we wouldn't have my Cuzin Bridger! It's the icky backyard breeders that we don't like.
Wiggles & Wags,
We all know that its the GIRLS who wear the pants in the family ANYWAY! duh! Now Carmen just proves it.
It's a sad day when responsible pet owners have to defend their position on spaying and neutering. I agree with your reasons and I'm not so sure I buy into spaying/neutering at all, let alone at a young age. I wish they could perform surgeries similar to a tube-tie or vascetomy (personally) on dogs.
and yes, i whole heartedly agree with supporting responsible good breeders as well as the rescue groups. i will always have a rescue dog, but someday i'll probably get a breeded dog. And I sure as heck don't feel like defending my reasons every 2 seconds.
I give those hot pants 4-paws up!!
Bow Wow!
Stanzie says to tell Brutus that she received her most wonderful pressie and is blogging about it right now!!
Ha, Ciara remembers her panties well, she was blessed with wearing them at the very young age of 5 1/2 months. She also had two pairs, Mom used panty liners inside to help save on the washing. They worked quite well. TD and Phantom, also neutered, were quite good until after about 10 days, then the interest level heightened greatly:) Ciara also seemed to be very "needy" during and right after her season. Lots of whining and wooing and hoarding stuffies in her crate. We are sure God heard Carmen.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I almost died when I saw the title of this post! And Carmen, you are a beautiful lady in your hot pants :)
You are one sexy bitch!
Love, Marlene
Those are the cutest little pairs of britches I have ever seen! She is just adorable in them!
I actually applaud you for being conscientious about Carmen's health and for doing what you feel is right for her based on a lot of research that you've done.
I am tall, golden and handsome, the consummate gentleman... and also neutered.
I believe that makes me the perfect boyfriend. Just sayin.
Wif love from the Luke
Beth here....I do not think it is wrong for responible people to let their dog go through one heat cycle. We were told to do that with our first Newfie, Taylor. As long as we are cautious no need for concern....we were told it was better for her. She was not going to be a mommy either....
Carmen you panties are beautiful!! Carmen would make a BEAUTIFUL show dog. Enjoy the pressies
Benny & Lily
miss carmen,
i kinda just skimmed through the lady stuff cuz, well, i'm a dude and all, but your little pants are pretty stinkin' cutesies! the bows are the perfect touch! :)
the booker man
Aww those ARE sexy pants! haha!She is so cute. Keep us updated on how the boys continue to act. Im glad it's going well. When Shadow was in heat it was soooooo stressful, but she also ended up having a "false pregnancy" a couple weeks after her cycle was finished- not because she 'did the deed' with a male dog or anything, but because her hormones became unbalanced. She produced milk and started treating her toys like puppies, it was so sad! Needless to say, she's spayed now lol.
Cute undies Carmen.. You sure are stylin...
Those are some pretty drawers little Carmen has. So good of you to be so responsible. We are also in favor of responsible breeding, but also know the importance of rescue animals.
Nubbin wiggles,
I applaud you for keeping Carmen intact until she is fully grown. There is quite the frenzy about spay and neuter in dog land, but really not all that well supported. The main issue is population control which is not on the table for dogs that are pets with responsible owners.
I had Dex neutered when he was a year old. I wasn't going to, but it did make it possible for him to go to daycare and I think it makes his life easier at all the training forums he attends. That said, Mango is still 100% there. Hasn't hurt him except to make him a bit overly fond of the ladies.
Mango Momma
Bahahaha at Tucker's comment! Mango is rather proud of his boy bits.
We support responsible owners AND responsible breeders. Rescues are the bomb diggity also.
Those panties are simply fabulous Carmen. Heck, I might even get some just for show.
Kitty and Coco
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