Friday, September 25, 2009

Our Centennial Post... AND a contest to Celebrate!!

Can you believe it???  This is Brutus' post number 100!!

I knew it was coming, but in the end it sort of snuck up on me.  Time has flown since we started in May, and the blog has certainly taken on a life of its own!  We have 58 followers officially, plus others that keep up via our posts on Facebook.  Visitors have come from as far away as Malaysia, South Africa, New Zealand, and Norway - 32 countries in all!  Who'd of thunk it???

We so appreciate all those who take the effort to stop by.  We love it when you leave comments, but are thankful for the visit even if you can't leave a note.  The number of friends (and furiends) we have made is amazing, and to see how the DWB community pulls together to support those who are in need truly warms my heart!

So to thank all of those who have made our blog what it is today, Brutus and I are hosting a little contest!  We are trying to be original, and hope we have come up with a fun format!  We enlisted the creative services of the one and only Purple Hatter to come up with a fun button to commemorate our contest

We want to know what the most ridiculous thing you humans out there do for your loyal doggie companions.  It might be special food or some sort of grooming or spa treatment to pamper your pooch, or perhaps a crazy ritual that you must indulge them in.  If it raises an eyebrow from you, your significant other, your neighbor, a passerby, or your whole neighborhood -  if it's ridiculous, we want to know about it!

So, without further ado, here are the rules for the contest we are calling:

"That's Ridiculous"

1.  Each entry should consist of two things: a photo (or photos) as well as a short story (a few sentences) to explain what it is that you do, and perhaps why you do it. 

2.  Your contest entry is a post on your blog.  Please include our "That's Ridiculous" button and link to this post/our blog.  It would be helpful (but not mandatory) to also post the button on your blog to help spread the word (it certainly can't hurt your chances of winning, wink, wink)! The more the merrier!!   Oh, and if you don't have a blog, you can still play - just email your entry.

3.  Once you have posted your entry, just let us know we need to come & get it!  You may comment on our post to notify us, or if you would prefer (or don't have a blog), you can email the notice and/or the entry to

4. We will accept submissions until 12:00 EDT on Friday, October 16th.  One entry per dog, please (for those of you with packs, each dog can have their own entry, or submit one entry as a group - humans' choice!).

Since this is our first go around in the contest-hosting department, understand we are learning as we go!  I plan to post the entries weekly so that everyone can see who's in the running.  I'm not going to spill the beans and tell what the prize is, but we promise it will be a very cool, one-of-a-kind sort of thing!!!  At this point I plan to assemble a "committee" to help chose the winner.

So to start you off, here's a sample entry.  I do so many things to pamper Brutus, it's hard to pick just one! 

"Hey Mom, I need a drink"

As you might guess from the following photos, Brutus sleeps in the bed with us.  Some might consider that ridiculous in itself, but it gets better!  If you look closely on the nightstand, you'll see a bottle of water for me.  Closer inspection will reveal a small bowl - that's Brutus' water! He wakes me up during the night when he gets thirsty; so to avoid escorting him to the kitchen, I keep the water nearby.  All I have to do is roll over to take off the lid & hold it for Brutus till he drinks his fill.  My husband thinks it's ridiculous, I just think it's practical!

Hopefully that will give you all some ideas and inspiration for your entries!  We can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Have a great weekend.  Go Buckeyes, beat Illinois!!!


Martine said...

That is certainly not ridiculous! My does the same thing with the hairless wonders.... who wants to get up in the night for a drink?!

xo martine

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a khool khontest to khommemorate your 100th post!

I'll paw woo now that I don't expekht we'll be entering - I really am pretty low maintenance!

I would like to khonkhur and khompliment woo on what woo pawed about blogging AND DWB! It is inkhredible! It is such a lesson in khultures - and khustoms - and kharing!

I'm glad woo are amongst us!


ocmist said...

The 100th post IS a BIG accomplishment! We just had ours a few months ago. That sounds like a cool contest, too. Mom says she will think about it, but our time is so filled with puppies and trying to get them to learn to eat and drink now... We will see! I know DOTT sure gets all kinds of spoiled around here!!! BG

Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

We love your most ridiculous contest! I am sure mom will enter something for me and Banjo as soon as she finds the time.

Congrats on #100 !

Wags & wiggles,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
Congratulations on your 100th Post!
I am going to tell my mom about your contest!
Many people thinks my mom is ridiculous for all the things she does for me!
Kisses and hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW 100 posts already??!! We are also coming up fast on ours!!

Mama does so many ridiculous things for us it will be hard to choose just one, but we will do our best!!

Love the water idea...Wonder why my Mama does not give us water at night?? OH YEAH...cause Bilbo would most certainly pee pee on the floor...BOL

Happy Football Weekend!!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Congrats on post 100!

In our neck of the woods (very rual kentucky) just about everything we do is eyebrow raising...But I think we can really do this contest up right. We will work on this tomorrow and blog about it soon.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo

Oakley and Swisher said...

Congratulations on #100 Brutus! Very cool contest indeed, we are going to start racking our brains to think of our entry. Have a great weekend, and Congrats again.

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Oakley and Swisher said...

Peee.s.-- We love your moms example! That is awesome.

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, your mommy truly loves you, Brutus!
We're putting our heads together for your contest!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

100th Post - ARRROOO!!!

We'll definitely be entering - each and every one of us after our Mom/secretary/photographer gets off of her DWB vacation.

DWB is a wonderful community - we love the camaraderie. And we've learned so much about the different breeds - without it we would not know there was a Frenchie!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

That IS silly. I will put my large brain to work on the contest, but really, there is nothing ridiculous about the Mango, right?


Mica said...

De-lurker here! I love your (Brutus') blog! He is adorable, and you do a great job as his personal secretary and recorder of all things Brutus.

Happy 100th post!

(And I'm a grad student at IL, but I don't mind if we are annihilated by the Buckeyes today. Our team isn't any good this year anyway.)

Maxmom said...

Hey there Brutus
Congratulations of your 100th post!
What a nice way to celebrate...very brave indeed! We will give it some thought, but can't promise anything.
Congrats again...its great to have you guys as friends!


Hi Brutus,

Congratulations on your 100th post. Wow! And it's a great one too!

We think our our mommy gets MORE AND MORE RIDICULOUS EVERY DAY!!! Does that count???

Your contest is a grrrreat idea!

See ya soon.

Riley and Star.

Oskar said...

I sleep in the middle of the bed with my people, but I do not have bedside water service! I must actually leave the bed & walk to my own bowl. I'll have to have a talk with my humans about this!

Achieve1dream said...

Congrats on the 100 posts!

I think that's cute what you do with the water. I feel kind of bad now because I can't think of anything special I do for my dogs, although I do let them sleep in the bed with us. I'm pretty no nonsense and not much of a spoiler, a cuddler yes, but not spoiler. My pups work for everything they get. I'll keep thinking, maybe I can remember something. I'll also post about your contest on my blog.

The only thing I can think of is that when I use peanut butter I also get them a spoonful to share, but that's just an occasional treat, not really ridiculous I don't think. I'll keep wracking my brain. Or maybe I'll get some ideas and think of something special I can do for them. :)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Brutus, Congratulations on your 100 posts! What a cool contest and thank you for having it. My Mommy keeps water by the bed for me also, she hates getting up during the night. I sleep with her every night and I have to snug right next to her tight. She does many things for me that others might think are a little kooky that she will have to think which one to post. How fun.

licks and sniffs, Sasha
On Wisconsin

Sam said...

Ohhh. I've got a great one for this contest that's so absolutely ridiculous and strange.. strange that Marge wants to do it, strange that I let her, too. It's quite funny!

'Grats on the 100th post, we hit ours not too long ago.

Taffy said...

Sheesh Brutus! I actually have to get out of the bed to get my H2O in the middle of the night....but I don't have to go all the way to the kitchen. Mom and Dad keep a bowl for me on the floor, and food too! Congrats on your 100th post! It is quite an accomplishment. I just reached mine yesterday....who knew we were so close to the same number? I love your blog and thank you for being one of my furiends! Great contest!

Astrid Keel said...

wowzer! You are a lucky boy Brutus! We'll have to think extra hard about the ridiculous stuff... after all, I'm the one who does ridiculous for Momster, not the other way around! BOL!

ocmist said...

I don't know if we are supposed to leave out entries on this post's comments, or the newest one... We will probably do both AND email it to be sure that you get it.

This is the link to our entry:

Martine said...

We have posted our entry!!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Hi Brutus! We just came across your blog and saw your awesome contest. We entered and can't wait to see the other entrants and your future postings!

Moose said...

This sounds like an awesome contest but I am afraid I don't do anything ridiculous for Moose! Others might beg to differ I suppose so if I think of anything I will post it soon. Can't wait to read all the entries though!

Anonymous said...

Hey--I'm a little late. Lurker here. I visit from Twix's blog on occaision. My weenie dog has food and water near his bed, but doesn't sleep with his humans because his daddy is actually allergic to pet dander! (Bad planning on mom's part.) The most ridiculous thing that I do for him is keeping extra "doggy" blankets in his little room (yes, he has his own designated space in the house) and I warm them in the dryer before bedtime, so he'll be warm and cozy. Doxies stay cold all the time. And my washroom is across the garage, which means I have to go into the cold to warm his stuff. THat's love...