Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was "Indian Summer" here (what us midwesterners call a spell of unseasonably warm weather after the first frost has already occurred), with beautiful sunshine and temperatures in the high 60s!
In addition to the beautiful weather, we enjoyed watching our Buckeyes dampen the hopes of Penn State's Nittany Lions by defeating them 24-7 on Saturday. So much for a "white-out"! Now we have to prepare for Iowa (who also had their record broken, no longer undefeated after losing to Northwestern), then our favorite rivals in Ann Arbor to round out the season!
I was finally able to catch up on some chores around the house, which included some serious vacuuming, to Brutus dismay (although he is actually getting better....). Brutus was able to get in some nice napping; seems like he got the message that he better rest up while he can, as things are going to get crazy soon - shows three weekends in a row after Thanksgiving!!
We also had time to complete our contest entires, the last six of which are shown here. Take a look at these ridiculous dogs (and cat!). Click on the title of the photo to link to each blog.
This is Lorezna, a Dachshund living in Mexico. She is undoubtedly the best dressed dog around, always looking fabulous in dresses made by her grandma (Lorenza is modeling her halloween. Her mom has made some adaptation in her life that many may consider ridiculous. She noticed that Lorenza was stressed by the hairdryer, so in order to keep her pup happy, she cut off her long flowing locks and went to a wash-and-wear kind of short style so that the dreaded appliance was no longer needed! Hmm.. If I used this rationale with Brutus, I'd never need to vacuum again (maybe get all hard floors??). Anyways, Twix's mom included some "Before & After"photos to illustrate her ridiculous change (although we really think it's just true devotion):

Spuds is a pitty that is all softie. I have to let you all hear for yourself what his "mom" (Spuds is her boyfriend's dog) has to say about the ridiculous things they do for him:
Well, lets just say Spuds knows when it's Sunday. It's like he has this internal clock for it. Ever since Spuds was a puppy he's been included in this tradition. He comes every week and gets to walk around the dining room table for everyone to feed him. Everyone is just as worried about making sure Spuds is fed as they are about feeding themselves, and Spuds walks in the kitchen when he's full and waits for Mama to get him his bowl of water. When family pictures are taken, Spuds is in them. We don't have kids, so he's in all the 'family pics' of me and Chad. He comes to every Christmas there to open his presents and wade around in the living room full of wrapping paper. He always gets a piece of cake when birthdays are celebrated. If Mama and Papa are on vacation Chad and I have to go to Bob Evans and bring him back pancakes or he's depressed all day, whining at the door to go to Mama's...
p.s. - Spuds, buddy - sorry to have left you out! Thanks for the reminder (see, I told you I was a horrible contest hostess!!)

Many of us dog-people consider cats ridiculous in general, but Virus takes his feline-ness to the extreme. First of all, he thinks the screen-saver is alive...

This is the third and final installment of the entries, the contest having closed last Friday night. In order to ensure that I picked up everyone's photos and didn't miss anyone (I've been notoriously bad at organizing, having to have several of you remind me - sorry!). If you are not featured above in this post, please check the list below to make sure that I've got you entered. Just click on the header to see the full post with each entry detailed.
Corgi Country
I Need a Sugar Fix (Captain & Martine)
Oakley & Swisher (Talk to the Paw )
Lily, Piper & Carrleigh (Rocky Creek Scotties)
Woodrow & Sweetie (NY Bully Brats)
Oskar (The Daily Oskar)
Dexter & Mango (2 separate entries, Mango's Great Adventures)
Riley & Star (2 separate entries, My Maltese Kids)
Benny & Lily (Doggy Days)
Freya (Freya the Corgi)
Jackal (Achieve1dream)
Marge (Margeblog)
Santa (I Am Santa, Miniature Schnauzer)
Results will be posted sometime next week. We can't wait to announce the winner!!
I also enjoyed the indian summer today. It was beautiful!! And I think you missed our entry of Spuds in the contest!
Hi, Brutus!
You have lots of great entries!
I can't wait to see the results!
Kisses and hugs
Your entries are ridiculously hysterical. I love every one of them!!!!
And yes, it was beautiful here today. We went to a dressage clinic in short sleeves! Not sure whether we were basking in the sun or the glory of the win!
Lots of great pics, Brutus. There's some stiff competition for your dad to pick from!
It's nice to see so many people do ridiculous things to make their dogs happy.
It's ok, we're just happy to be a part of this fun contest!! Thanks for adding us in :)
We Southerners call it Indian Summer too and I've been enjoying every second of it. We've had about a week and a half of it to make up for the week and a half of straight rain we got. :D
Great entries. Can't wait to see the winner.
Khongrats to your nutz fur beating the khytty khats -
Woo so have some pawesome entries fur your khontest!
Wow, there certainly are some ridiculously pampered pooches around! Well done for organising this competition - it's great to see all the entries.
BRUTUS! How will you ever choose. I think the contest should be renamed from "That's Ridiculous" to "Of course I do that."
I mean, all those stories are really just about our people treating us with proper respect, right?
We had Indian summer at our house too, Brutus!
What a lot of fabulous entries! This is going to be a tough decision!
Congrats to your Buckeyes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We don't envy you the task of choosing the winner. You might have to take the easy way out and draw the names out of a hat.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Brutus, Your poor dad will be pulling his fur out trying to make a decision. I hope he hurries up. I agree with Mango's comment. I don't think there is anything ridiculous about any of these stories.
LOTS of great entries Brutus! Twix had our mom LOL-ing!
Pee-S we had an Indian summer too, it was a great weather weekend!
We had an incredible weekend too here in the Kansas City area. Mom is so silly - she actually put out our Christmas lights on the front shrubs. She thinks it is much easier to do with warm fingers.
Good luck to everyone in the contest - you have some wonderful entries.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, thanks for the visit to the blog - very nice of you.
We are still loving the warm weather here in Michigan, we needed that Indian summer!
This looks like it's going to be a fun contest~
What an awesome collection of ridiculousness!!!
Brutus your poppy is going to have a hard time with al those great entries. We sure are glad to hear your team won. Don't forget the pep talk before the next game
Benny & Lily
Good luck on choosing from all those great entries. My lazy Mom never got mine in, but you have enough to choose from anyway. The Badgers beat Indiana!! Next week we face the dreaded Michigan Wolverines(grrrrrrrrrrrrrr). Since we live in Michigan and Daddy puts up our Wisconsin flag on the house on football Saturday, we have to put up with the neighbors, but it is all in fun(well mostly).
licks and sniffs, Sasha
That's a great bunch of entries! Good luck to all of you!!
This has been a lot of fun to see, and we wonder how your Dad will choose, too! So many loved doggies out there! Good Luck, Brutus' Dad! Country Corgis
oooo thanks for posting our pic! good luck picking a winner!
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