Thursday, November 5, 2009


Before I get carried away with the post, Brutus wanted me to remind everybody that you only have 2 days left to enter his "That's Ridiculous" contest.  We received some new entries in the last few days (Dory, Twix, we'll get yours posted with the last group), so hurry up and get in those last-minute ideas.  Brutus and I have discussed the judging procedure at length, and have decided to have a more objective third party (read: my husband, Paul) do the final selection, since we have a hard time forgetting about all the other ridiculous things our blog buddies do outside the contest!! Entires posted 11:59 PM or sooner (and we'll even give you till that time in PST, even those us midwesterners have are in our winter time mode), Friday Nov 6th will be accepted.  Just click on the button to the right if you need a refresher in what we are looking for!

Now, on with todays' post!  We were fortunate to receive a "Paw it Forward" pressie from none other than the most notorious, infamous, philosophical, (and don't forget ridiculously huge) Mango!!  Oh, and his labradude brother Dexter a.k.a. Pee-Wee (he picked out the card).  

Brutus knew immediately it was full of goodies for him, and proceeded to gnaw on the box in attempts to open it before I could even get the scissors!  It might have smelled yummy, but I think it was the return address label that gave it away:

Yes folks, Mango has HIS OWN address labels (although we were dissappointed that they must have had to abbreviate the state, not enough room to print MasterChewSits).  Ha!!  Think Brutus needs some.....

Being a proper kind of guy, of course Mango included a card.  Brutus was in a hurry to get to what he considered the "good" part, but I made him be thoughtful and open the card first.

Don't know how Pee-Wee talked Mango into this, but you can see that he picked out the card:

I couldn't get the camera to focus well enough, but the caption says "Labralove from Dexter"!! Here's what the card said.  We were impressed by Mango's penmanship!!

After we read the card, I let Brutus tear into the rest of his pressie

There was a fabulous assortment of fun things for Brutus!  Toys & things to eat too!!

We've always wondered what a Cuz wuz...  Now we have one of our very own!!

Never seen these before - what a great idea!  Good to chew on, and good for the environment!!

We were just running low on training treats, so this next item arrived with perfect timing. Brutus wonders if Mango consulted our mutual furiend Khyra, as she appears to be on the label.

 Brutus had waited patiently while I documented all his pressies....

Aren't you about finished with the flashy box, Mom??  Come ON!!

But his patience was wearing thin.  He especially wanted to get at the penguin stuffie, and couldn't see why he needed to wait to play with it!  (This might have something to do with the fact that the last stuffie that arrived - the sock Brutus - turned out to me mine - hehehe)

Grrr....  Let me have it!!!

He finally got it away from his camera-obsessed mom, and ran off to enjoy his new favorite stuffie in peace.  In retrospect, I can't blame him!

Numerous big, wet, snorty, Frenchie kisses to Mango (and Dexter) for picking out such wonderful pressies  & playing Paw it Forward!!!   What a great idea this is, whoever started it :)

As if getting the gifts wasn't already a blast, we now proceed to the even more fun task of picking out things to Paw it Forward to three of our furiends.  We'd love to send a package to each of our buddies, but the rules of the game are that we pick just three (sigh).  We could never choose, so we are leaving it up to our furiends and followers.  All you have to do is say "Paw it Forward, Brutus" somewhere in your comment to this post.  For first three pups to do so, we'll pick out some fabulous things (and we do have excellent taste BTW....) to send your way.  All we ask is that you then Paw It Forward to a friend or two of your own.  

We can't wait to share the love, so hurry up and reply so we can go shopping!!!!  


theplussizepug said...

Paw it forward, Brutus! :D

Martine said...

The kiddlets begged me... they've never hear of paw if forward.... so PAW IT FORWARD BRUTUS!!!

Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

Mango and Pee Wee sent you some terrific PIF pressies! I am going to tell mom to get us some antlers to try.


Deborah said...

Paw it Forward Brutus! Sounds like fun!!
Have a super day and enjoy all your new treats!

Sam said...

I LOVE the return label. In Mango's words, it is most excellent.

Bet you'll be enjoying all of those cool gifts for a long time!

Dexter said...

Hey Brutus! I have found that particular stuffie to be more fun if you decapitate it. Then you have two for the price of one. Hope you like the cuz. Great post.


P.S. Of course I have my own address labels. Sheesh!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What great pressies Mango and Dexter sent to you!!! Thunder loves to play with his cuz and Yummy Chummies are really good - Phantom likes them, so that alone says a lot. Yep, we agree, you must behead the penguin to fully enjoy it.

Woos, the OP Pack

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...


You lucky dog, what lovely pressies.

We're with Mango, any stuffie decapitated is always more fun for us; not for mom who has to clean! heheh

May you have tons of fun and hours of play with all of them.

Nellie & Calvert

Ziggy Stardust said...

Brutus, Mail pressies are the best!! I am so excited for you. It makes me happy just thinking of you giving that penguin stuffie a good shake. I am sure you will be busy for a while with your new stuff, but good luck to your team this weekend. We play Indiana.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Scooter said...

Hey Brutus~~~PAw it forward~~~ case you change your mind and want to do 4 instead of 3??? Hey, cant blame a girl for checking BOL

A great package and have fun with the toys and treats there Brutus, my SUPER pawsome, handsome, wonderful, obedient terrific all-time buddy!!!!!!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Brutus, I could tell that you got some terrrrific stuff from Mango and PeeWee. BUTT for some reason all the words were too light in color and I couldn't read them because they seem to be hiding in the backgrrrround color. Sorry about that.
I saw that Twix has entered your contest. She is a cutie.
congratulations for the pressies.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Very kewl pressies Brutus. Sorry your Mama tortured you before letting you play with them.


Kari in Alaska said...

OOO Brutus those look like fun and yummy treats. I posted my entry for your contest a couple weeks ago and commented on your original post but I haven;t seen it :(

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mango's shopping skills are PAWESOME!

What great P-I-F pressies!

Yummy Chummies are just that: YUMMY!


The WriggleButts said...

What great pressies! Paw it furward is such a great game to play!


Duke said...

What nice gifts Mango and PeeWee sent you, Brutus!
We love Cuz!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

I just posted about my Paw It Forward package from Mango today also! We got lots of similar stuff. Mango rocks!

dw said...

Brutus, you are one lucky dude, dude!! That penguin totally rocks!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow Brutus that is so cool. You are lucky to get a box filled to the tippy top with goodies. Mango and Dexter are so sweet
Have fun playing
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
Yes, Mango and Dexter sent you pawesome presents! I am sure you are enjoying them!
I made my "Thats Ridiculous" post today!
Kisses and hugs