Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reindeer in Training

In preparation for Christmas I did some photo shoots with the Brute.  He outgrew some of the things we had from last year, so I was left to experiment with a few other ideas.  Some were more successful than others.  I had a few sets of antlers, thought they might be cute - Brutus did NOT agree.  Most of the time was spent bribing Brutus with treats, chasing him around, trying to pry the antlers out of his mouth, ect.  I did manage one or two useful photos, but thought you all might enjoy seeing the "outakes" even more than the successful attempts!!

Seriously?  Do we have to use these antlers?

How embarrassing.  What reindeer has antlers smaller than his ears!!

No wonder deer rub their antlers - these things are itchy!!

Hope Stella doesn't see this.  Humiliating.

Just gonna bury my head in this fake snow.

Oh.  Great.  You've got a bigger set too.  
Why don't you go put them on Mason instead??

Not even gonna look at you now.

This reindeer is officially done with his training!

Woohooo!!!!  Can't catch me, mom!!

Nope, I'm not giving them back.  I'd rather play reindeer games!!

Let's see you do some begging for a change, mom!

Wait...  What was that?  Santa Claws, is that you??  Uh, oh.....

Fine.  Fine!
One last photo, only because Santa is watching.  
Just don't expect me to look happy about it....


Unknown said...

Great post, and cute pics! Patsy doesn't enjoy dress-ups either. Happy Xmas :-)

JD and Max said...

Hi Brutus - what IS it with humans and this strange compulsion to dress us up at this time of year?!! You take it with great dignity - and we have to say we do think you look everso cute....!

Hey - we've just published the results of our 'bootie-licious' contest and you came second in the 'Just For Fun' category so please do swing by!! Well done!!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Sam said...

Hah, I'm glad to see him playing with the antlers after his photo shoot, because that's EXACTLY what Marge wanted to do, too!

Great set of pics - the little guy sure is photogenic :)

Dexter said...

Golly Brutus, your out-takes look pretty good to me.


Kari in Alaska said...

The outtakes are very cute. I love him with the antlers in his mouth :)

Martine said...

Did your mom flip your ears back in the last photo Brutus?

You do make a good reindeer... but I think you make the best Frenchie ever!!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Deborah said...

Merry Christmas Brutus!
I love the photo shoot! You are adorable :)

Duke said...

haha - you are one smart boy to change your tune while Santa is watching, Brutus!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Okay, I know what you call a deer with antlers shorter than its ears.. A BUTTON BUCK !! SOOOO, you had better get a RED NOSE or my dad might take a pot shot at your pic. on my YapStop. YIKES!
I'm just sayin'.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Brutus even though you look extremely adorable we feel for you. Mommas love trying to pose us. On the bright side,always know treats are involved. Antlers smaller than your ears! BOL... you look disgusted. Best to run with them and have mom chase you.
Nitey nite
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha Ha, you made our Mom laugh - that first one with the bigger antlers is great - the expression is priceless.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

You made a real cute reindeer. Just be glad she didn't have a red nose for you to wear too! BOL


Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
I had a good laugh looking at your pictures!
You were very good posing for them!
My mom tried to do that and... no luck for her. The antlers were on my head for about half second!
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

But, Brutus, if you become a reindeer, you could fly!


Smushie Ranch said...

Oh dear Brutus. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. It's shameful what our parents make us endure for their own pleasure.

If it makes you feel any better, those antlers are still way smaller than Betty's ears. BOL!

Momma got you a special charm for your collar so you can always be reminded of me... *wink wink*


Oakley and Swisher said...

We love your antlers dude. You are so tolerant with your mom and taking your picture dude. Mom has one semi tolerant dog and one that looks pretty ticked off in pics bol. If you got our christmas card you know which one of us is which bol. Hide those antlers buddy or you'll be wearing them again later this week.

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Unknown said...

That looks like plain old torture!! Rugby know all about torture, you two can start a support group. :p

At least you got to play with the props a little bit, it is only fair!

Achieve1dream said...

Cute! The way he has his ears back in that last picture makes him look like his ears turned into antlers lol. Those were great!

Cocorue said...

awwww Brutus, the things we do to humour the hoomans.....

we loooove you Brutus and we wish you a wonderful Christmas with your family


The Oceanside Animals said...

♩♪ "Brutus the black-nosed Frenchie, had a pair of soft antlers ..." ♫♬

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

OMGoodness! Adorable! I had to coax the Munchkins to do a photoshoot this weekend too! I manage to get a couple good shots out of about a million!

Nika + PARKER said...

We love all the photos, but the one with the fake snow and him burying his head....omg what a cutie!!!

Joe Stains said...

Mom says you look SO CUTE but we think its torture. That stinkin Santa Paws is everywhere, what a menace.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Brutus you must really love your Mama, those are some great photos!!!


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Grrrreat fun! Love your protest...

Merry Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Taffy said...

Great photos Brutus! Way to show your Mom who is boss. I don't like things on my head either.