I just attended three days of dental seminars from a nationally respected speaker. It was a good experience, and I have to say the weather in Arizona (although unusually cold for the area) provided a nice break from the deep freeze back here in Ohio.

Most of my time there was spent in a lecture hall, with some free time in the evenings to enjoy the dining and shopping in Scottsdale. Still, the frozen shores of Lake Erie were a welcome sight as my plane lined up to land in Cleveland. The view of the sunset as we descended was breathtaking (that's the frozen lake in the foreground):
When I arrived home the boys were waiting expectantly. Paul reports they were on their best behavior while I was gone, although Brutus never really stopped looking for me. Of course they gave me a warm, noisy welcome!
I really didn't spend much time in Scottsdale shopping for myself (remarkable, really), but found Paul a nice set of cufflinks, a few souveniers, and even a little something for the boys.
Why would she bring home Coyote poop??
Wait a minute - it smells like chocolate! Hmm.. Don't think we are likely to get any of this, Brute.
Now this looks a little more promising!
Oh, uh - Mason seems to have a monkey on his back!
Let me help you with that, big brother!
Haha!! Take that Mr. monkey!!
Gulp. Wait a minute - how did this happen??
What do you think I am - your pony??
Someone's gonna pay for this....
Argh!! Would you stop monkeying around already?!?
No more monkey business, got it?! You are gonna find yourself in the stuffie hospital pronto!
Regardless of how it looks, the boys are actually enjoying their monkey - his shirt says "I love Arizona", and he makes monkey sounds when you squeeze his belly. Have to imagine this is the last you'll see of him with all limbs in tact....
Not surprisingly, I am hopelessly far behind on everyone's blogs after 5 days. Please be patient while I try to catch up. I have lots to get posted too, including Brutus' Valentine gifts from his sweetie, Stella! Good thing it's a quiet week for me at work - gotta get my priorities straight, you know! (LOL)
Welcome Home Brutus and Mason Mama!!
Looks like a very fun and promising monkey stuffie Brutus...get to destuffing it!!
Glad you had a good trip! Enjoy the poop :)
Glad to hear your mom had a safe trip. What do you do with cyote poop...do you eat it or roll in it? Can't wait to see what you got from your Valentine Stella!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
hehehe Your mom made it home JUST IN TIME... for MORE SNOW. That'll teach her to leave you!!
LOVE the MONKEY... it could come in real handy for... blaming thingys on!!! I'm just sayin'.
Tell your mom that she is going to get a BIG cup of coffee when she gets ready to do her bloggie catch up. It will take her HOURS to catch up on all the LOVE MATCHES that have sprung up in her absence. Practically EVERYONE now has a significent other!!! I'm just sayin'.
PeeS... Brutus are you gonna get a TAT like Gunther is?????
Mason is so handsome with such a beautiful coat. Looks like Brutus is a fan of the monkey!
I love your monkey. Those long arms and legs would be terrific for playing tug! Glad your mom made it home safely.
Yea mom is home. I bet you guys were happy. But Brutus, I think you have a monkey on your back
Benny & Lily
Cute present, looks like it's a lot of fun!
Those airplane pics are pretty, glad to see you made it home ok. Just in time for another snow storm- we're getting hit bad right now!
Going on trips is always bitter sweet when the dogs have to stay home. I bet they were super hapy to see you, especially since they get to play with that cute monkey too!
See Brutus,
We told you that she would return soon. Did you get anything other than that darn monkey?? You better let that monkey knows whos boss or if will have you in fits!! I vote for destuffin that monkey or send him packin..back to AZ
Oh! Watch out for those monkeys. They are nothing but trouble. :)
Teehee. I see a monkey amputee in your very near future!!! (Aggressive little bugger, huh? Definitely put him in his place!) Glad to hear that your Mom is back home safe and sound!
*kissey face*
Um Brutus have you actually had coyote poop? I have!!! It's pretty good but be careful the Momma will yell and complain about it being gross if she catches you.
woof - Tucker
I'm behind too lol. Have spent all evening trying to catch up and I'm still not.
I love the picture of Brutus cutting his eyes back at the monkey on his back. Priceless!!
Hi Brutus:)
We are friends of your sweetheart Stella and wanted to stop by and say HELLO.
What a handsome guy you are:) Stella is a very lucky lady!!!
Pugs & Kisses
Pugsley & Lola
welcome home!
your photos made us smile!
:) melissa & emmitt
Welcome back M. They sure missed you :) As for you Brutus, if you don't get that I'm teasing you 'cause I like you.... Yeah, you get it. You're teasing me back. Cool. We can keep picking at each other to get our furiends to laugh.
Truce? Heck, no? Where we ever not furiends?
Glad to see you back! Those pictures with the monkey are priceless!
(P.S., Brutus, looks like a long lost cousin of yours took Non Sporting Group 1 at Westminster!)
Welcome Home! That sunset does look beautiful. Brutus is such a ham in those photos....love it!
Woof! For sure you are glad to be back n they sure miss you. Mom and I are also catching up n we are not even half way ... just couple days n we sure miss a lot. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Sure is nice to have your Mom back, right?
Coyote poop?? I don't know but sounds yummy!
The monkey is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
You guys must be big George Michael fans!
Oh my, that monkey is quite the little monster...I think the stuffie hospital is around the corner for him. :) Glad your Mom is back.
Welcome home, glad you enjoyed the warmer weather, and looks like the pups were very pleased with your gift.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
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