Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Bruti

I'm finally done! All the Flat Bruti (easier to say/type than Brutus's) are now on the loose. Glad to get them all out of the house - things were really getting crazy around here!!

Last we reported, Flat Brutus had just arrived at Stella's place out in CA. Well, Stella has decided that Flat Brutus is a keeper. I guess I should have expected this, considering that she's so in love with the real Brutus (can you blame her?).

If you haven't heard, Brutus and Stella have really gotten serious, and they will be making a big announcement soon.

Is he down on one knee? I can't tell....

So anyways, I went back into full production mode and made a few extra Bruti. Hope we can keep better control of this batch!!! Now there are 3 more roaming about the globe; one on his way to VA to visit Rocky Creek, one on his way to Pittsburgh, and the third jetting overseas to Cologne, Germany!

Don't worry, each one on his own is pretty easy to manage. But we had a whole litter of them here to deal with for a while!! Brutus kept an eye on them while I got all the rest of the paperwork & envelopes ready.

Think I see a pretty strong family resemblance...

They were pretty quiet at first, but when everyone got bored waiting on me to finish, things started to get a little dicey.

Hey! Get down from there! It's all fun & games until someone looses an ear.....

Brutus now has a better appreciation for what new moms must be going through! He got tired of chasing the Bruti all over the place and decided that they needed to be contained.

Stay, Bruti!!

That's more like it.

But unfortunately it was a little too cramped with everyone in there.

Mom, when are you going to get rid of these guys?? They're driving me crazy!!!

Thankfully, by that time I was finally ready to seal them into their first-class cardboard envelopes, and off to the post office we went. So, to the Rocky Creek scotties, Nathaniel, and Arlette - keep your peepers on the mailbox - you should see a Flat Brutus in your mailbox soon!

And now maybe finally I can get back to reading and posting on all your blogs. It's gonna take me weeks to catch up, so please bear with us. Now that all the Bruti are out of the house, I should finally have some peace & quiet!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Woh! Brutus are you going to follow in my pawprints and Pop the big question??? OMD that is grrrreat. That Stella is a stunner for sure. I'll keep my paws crossed that she say the right word!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Me again. I just thought about this... do you realize that GUNTHER would be your brother-in-law??? I'm just sayin'.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

That must have been insane with all those little Bruti running around!!

Woofs and Kisses!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Wow. And I though Mom was crazy with 2 'adoodles (me and Abby) running around and TaiChi snoozing. But 4 Bruti? You are BRAVE! (And we can't wait for one of those little dudes to come visit us!)

*kissey face*

Tobi said...

Yay for cloning!!! We can't wait for Brutus to visit us.

Maxmom said...

Hey there!
Brutus, your clones are almost as good as yourself! I wonder if there is an intrepid clone who might want to brace itself to see if they can slip past the african postal system? Although....that 'Brutus' might also live here forever!
Your mom is a genius!

Martine said...

Very exciting to see Flat Bruti with is girl friend!!!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Sam said...

I never knew that the plural of Brutus was Bruti. I like it. It has a ring to it.

You sure are getting around lately, little guy!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tell Brutus we fully understand his concern over the crowded kennel and the chaos in the home. We only have one to contend with here and she is quite the pawful:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Awww...the only thing better than one Brutus is FOUR of 'em! I can't wait til Brutus arrives. You ARE sending us the pick of the litter, aren't you?

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...

Look at Frankie F! He's all over the Stella/Brutus relationship. He's such a lover boy! Of course I'm curious too. Brutus is being a great caretaker. I thought he was going to nurse the flat Bruti for a moment

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We'll be watching!!

The Rocky Creek Gang

Kari in Alaska said...

I promise not to keep one though I can't promise my kids won't try to wrestle with it!

Melissa Trajano-Williams said...

I love all the Bruti's super cute! How did you make those?

The WriggleButts said...

We're loving the Bruti!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad Brutus survived having to watch all those Bruti!! :p Congrats on the big news with Stella!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Furry funny and furry khlever!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Duke said...

Wow! It's totally chaotic at your house, Brutus!
Too many flat Bruti! That's very clever!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

houndstooth said...

Awwww! The little guys are so cute! I hope our visitor gets here in time for me to escort him to Mom's school! That would be fun! They're even doing a dog project!


Sonic said...

That proposal sure looks more romantic than my Humans... I heard Pops proposed to Momma next to a dumpster!

I'm glad Flat Brutus has more sense!


Two French Bulldogs said...

NO WAY Brutus!!!! we see a little resemblance to Stella in your kids..BOL
Benny & Lily

Dog Foster Mom said...

I love the Flat Bruti in the crate with Brutus. Very cute! And they do tricks too - I can't wait to get a visit from one!

Oskar said...

Ooh, I can't wait for the big announcement!!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Oh what fun to have a litter of Brutus...But we can't wait for one to come here...We have a place all ready for him!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the foster

Dexter said...

Those little flat dudes are multiplying. I am going to make sure to have a crate ready for when he visits me. Don't want any incidents, right?


the teacher's pets said...

Love the pictures of the mini-flat Brutus babies! I think the world will be a better place with more Frenchies, don't you agree? FYI, I shared your blog address to a bunch of captivated bloggers who want to have Flat Brutus visit them soon!

Joe Stains said...

holy cow its a gaggle of Bruti!!

THE PUGLET said...

Hi Brutus!

I have a flat self too! And he met YOUR flat self at the March of Pugs. Small flat world, huh?

Here's a herd of flat mees:

I think we should plan a flat-rendzvous. Whaddya think?

Sharon said...

Great idea!!! I'd love to get on the list to get a visit from a Flat Brutus sometime :)

<3 S and D