We were graced with another beautiful weekend. Abundant sunshine and warm temperatures are making us believe that winter could possibly be gone for good - a dangerous thought here in Ohio! Even though we won't really be out of the (proverbial) woods until early May, Brutus and I just couldn't resist taking advantage of the perfect conditions yesterday to head into the (actual) woods!
Not Mango, MINGO!! Our Mastiff pal never would have made it!!
There tons of foot-trails in the nearby MetroParks, so we decided to conquer the "Mingo" trail (no RH, not Mango! You never would have made it big buddy). Our pal Courtney and 3 of her pack (Brute's lab pal Jaeger, as well as spaniels Sadie Lou & Taz) headed out for the challenging trial. It took us an hour and a half to cover the 3.3 miles, but not because we were just strolling along at a leisurely pace! I swear that we were going uphill 90% of the time!! There is a hill that Courtney calls "Buns of Steel". I'd like to rename it "Buns of Pain" considering how mine feel today! No wonder I was always bringing up the rear (no pun intended)....
Brutus, however, had boundless energy. This is no typical Frenchie I have, friends - his stamina just amazes me! Outfitted in a snazzy new harness and extra-long leash, Brutus had a blast. He always wanted to be in the front of the pack, loved trotting along next to Courtney and his buddy Jaeger! We made sure to take advantage of several of the streams we crossed as water breaks. Not sure why I carried fresh water along, as Brutus preferred to drink out of the stream (yuck).
It was great exercise and a fun time for all. Thanks to Jeager, whose strength literally helped pull me up one of the hills! In my defense, I had already logged almost 20 miles during the preceding week with Brutus - which must be some sort of world record for a Frenchie!! No wonder I keep getting behind on blogging....
Now time for a little Flat Brutus update. Remember that you can always check his whereabouts by clicking on the "Where in the World is Flat Brutus" tab in the nav bar. Last week he visited the home of Rocky Creek Scotties in Virginia.
Flat Brutus got to play with someone his own size, Rocky Creek's 6-week old Scotties! Can you see him all snuggled in the basket with them?? He blends right in! Here's Flat Brutus having a little one-on-one time with little Finlay:

If you don't know them already, please visit the Rocky Creek Scotties' wonderful blog - they were one of our first blogging friends! Make sure to check out their Flat Brutus post and find out more about Flat Brutus' visit to Virginia!
The other Bruti are in Pittsburg, PA (visiting our friend Nathaniel and his Frenchie, Biwa) and traveling overseas with Arlette in Istanbul, Turkey and Cologne, Germany. Photos from both those hosts coming soon! More requests for Flat Brutus hosting are still coming in, so I plan to "breed" a few more Bruti so everyone can play!
This project couldn't have come at a better time, as French Bulldog Rescue Network is really in need of donations. I'm making my donation incrementally (due to the substantial success of my project, and my pledge of $5 per visit), but really appreciate those who are also making their own pledges to FBRN as they host Flat Brutus!!!
Woof! Woof! What a FUN way to spend your Spring weekend. WOW! 20 miles/week ... I'll be doing the same thing soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
This really makes me want to take my girls out on a trail walk. I bet they'd love it.
We are sending our matching donation today - this is a great fundraiser for a great cause. I see that TN Bull Terriers are doing a similar fundraiser.
We had a blast with Flat Brutus - just wish the adult Scotties had been a bit more cooperative - we didn't want him to loose an ear or something on his first trip out of the kennel.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
oh wow brutus that looked like soooo much fun when we are in memphis mommy likes to take me to the dog parks and I love walking the trails!
wags and licks
Nice walkie you went on!! Love the BUN Puns!!
creek water ish the bestest
ish full of fish pee vitamin water
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
How nice that Brutus has so many friends to hike with and that you have a human to talk to along the way! It is so nice to see a French bulldog who is in superior shape as I've walked a few that are worn out by the time we walk around their building one time!
Keep up the good work Brutus!
What a nice walk you went on! We can't wait to get Flatty!
Have a good day!
Oh Brutus, What a grrreat hike! You are in such good shape and sooo shiny too! Glad your back now. Have a nice long nappy.
Riley and Star.
Thanks for your well wishes about Marge's leg, and I'm sorry about falling behind, too!
We had the nice weather here, too, but we weren't able to take advantage of it due to Marge's malady. But, it looks like your walk was perfect! Good for you guys!
What a great hike, Brutus! Your adventure makes us realize that we need to hike Sleeping Giant soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, what a Most Perfect walkie in a Most Beautiful place! I wish I coulda gone. Maybe we'll take FB for a hike with us when he comes to visit!
Wiggles & Wags,
Go Brutus and your atypical stamina! Conquer Mingo trail. You too, mommy. Good job.
I am becoming a big "fan" of the French Bulldog Rescue Network the more I learn about them
what a great hike. Brutus, I never knew you were such a great babysitter!
Brutus, you never cease to amaze me my fabulous Frenchie. How do you manage to walk all those miles and miles? Does your mom have to carry you after awhile? You won't make me walk that far will you? Sorry so many questions, seeing you just makes my heart all aflutter.
Yeah for hiking!!!
We are so glad that spring is finally springing for you Brutus!
Oh Brutus what fun. We sure are happy you have sun. It looks like you were on a mission..you were so focused walking on the trail. BOL
Benny & Lily
That sounds like quite a hike! Brutus, you look awesome in your new harness!
You are correct! 3.3 miles is about 3 miles too far for the Mango. But you! Look at you go! You are like a super athlete dog. Guess those agilities are paying off.
hello brutus its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a grate playse to hike!!! but i am konfyoozd why they naymd a trail after mango if he cant mayk it to the end of it maybe they shud naym an ice kreem stand after him insted??? ok bye
Oh gosh, we need to get on over to Rocky Creek's bloggie. Haven't been there in awhile and look what we've missed.
XX-BRD & Hootie
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