Before we call it a week, how about a little update from our roving Frenchie, Flat Brutus? So what's he been up to this week, I hear you ask. Well...
All those travels abroad can be kinda hard on the little guy, so it's fortunate that his most recent host was our friend, and the real Brutus' vet, Dr. Lori. Flat Brutus had a great time tagging along with her all day at her veterinary practice.
Right off the bat, she made sure that Flat Brutus got a thorough exam. Need to verify he's still fit to travel, especially after having visited all those foreign countries!
After all that serious stuff was out of the way, Flat Brutus got to relax and have a little fun at the clinic. He helped comfort a very special patient during their appointment. Flat Brutus was privileged to meet a very special patient, an FBRN Frenchie! Carlton is one BIG Frenchie boy (almost 40 lbs!!) and was just recently rescued, shown here with his foster mom. Hope he can find a forever home soon!
Brutus did so well with assisting her during that appointment, Dr. Lori assigned Flat Brutus to keep another little Frenchie patient company as he recovered from a minor procedure.
Next Flat Brutus got to help out at the hydrotherapy tank. I'm sure this German Shepard appreciated his encouragement!
All his clincial duties taken care of, he headed out to the front desk to help confirm appointments for the next day. Apparently Flat Brutus makes a good administrative assistant too!!
His exciting day at the clinic wound to a close, and Flat Brutus got to go home with Dr. Lori to relax for the evening. He met the whole gang at French Bulldogs d'Assisi, and really warmed to to this pretty gal, Gena.
Gena is a new mom and was a little worried that he Flat Brutus was just going to be another mouth to feed. No worries Gena, he's just visiting! Now, about those puppies....
Flat Brutus also got to meet Gena's pups, almost 6 weeks old. He felt right at home with the little Frenchies, as they are almost the same size as him (but a lot pudgier BOL!). They must have liked him too, as they shared their dinner with Flat Brutus!
Thanks to Dr. Lori for taking such good care of Flat Brutus. It's good to know that he passed his exam with flying colors, since he has a LONG way to go on his travels! You never know where he'll turn up next week!
They did THAT even to Flat Brutus. Tisk Tisk
Looks like he is fit for travel - does he have his passport ready?
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Thanks for making us smile on Friday. Flat Brutus is quite handy at the clinic, eh?
What is up with the vets and the anal probe? Sheesh!
I am glad he finally got some refreshments even if he had to share with those pups.
Such a good helper that Flat Brutus is!
Those puppies are very adorable, it was nice of them to share their food with Flat Brutus :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hey there!
Flat Brutus's travels are really impressive! It's fun watching where he lands up. That Dr Lori looks a good sport...lovely to have a vet like that!
Sending lotsalicks to you all!
Flat Brutus is WAY busier than I would ever want to be!
Love, Marlene
Flat Brutus is all over! Wow!
Good luck at the agility trial - don't forget to come back and tell us how it went!
Good job with helping out at the V.E.T. place, FB! But, um, I'm sorry about, well, you know...
That was very much nice of those puppies to let you have dinner with them. They are learning very good manners from a most early age.
Good luck to non-flat-Brutus and mom this weekend at the agilities trial!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. I meant to tell you that I like Carlton's name cuz that's MY last name!
Wiggles & Wags,
Flat Brutus is a very helpful boy. I'm sure his efforts at the clinic were greatly appreciated.
how exciting that flat brutus got to help out with his vet lady! looks like he did a super good job. :)
carlton is a biiig boy, miss gena is a pretty lady, and her little puppies are cutie patooties!
the booker man
We bet Flat Brutus wishes he could have avoided the exam but how fun to help out at Dr. Lori's office! He sure is having lots of new experiences!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Flat Brutus, having to go to the vet while on vacation! It really is a dog's life!
Life has that terrible way of getting in the way of the fun things in our lives. We send good wishes to you and Brutus for a fun and successful weekend. Just do your best.
Flat Brutus had a wonderful time with Dr. Lori. But we wish he didn't have to have that first part of the vet visit - so uncomfortable.
The little pups are so cute, bet Flat Brutus got a good dose of puppy breath.
Have a great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
you and your flat brutus are hilarious lol. I understand the difficulty in keeping up with blogging lately- if it were possible to be fired from for lack of blogging, i'd definately be canned! Hopefully our busy lives will calm down sooner or later :)
Our flat Brutus gear arrived yesterday. What ever possessed me to buy a WHITE sweatshirt?
Mango Momma
GREAT post!
How nice of the vet's office to host FB.
And those puppies! CUUUUUUTE!!!
Oh Flat Brutus. Your gifts are immeasurable! Now a vet tech and and admin assistant? You are my hero...
Oh my goodness we are cracking up laughing! Flat Brutus sure does get around. We are happy to hear he is in good health.
Benny & Lily
Pee S. I thought I was a pound or to overweight!!
How cool to be able to help the vet doggies get better!
Flat Brutus is really having quite the holiday! I notice from the schedule that the Moose lodge is next after Nimah. I am not sure how fast these visits have been going but unfortunately I will be out of the country from May 1-May10 so I would hate to come home to Brutus roasting and crumpled under a weeks worth of mail in my mailbox! Maybe Bonnie (also in FL) could go next and then he could visit the Mooselodge?
I was afraid the timing would work out this way and I even though if he arrives before I leave that he could go to Curacao (maybe his only Caribbean stop) but it would have been a long stop and I don't think he will be here in time anyway.
Also, yes Moose has A Fido Fashion Collar! I saw Brutus' (one of them) and noticed the tag too in a recent post. They are lovely, huh?
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