Thursday, April 15, 2010

Things are getting Ugly around here

Things really ARE getting Ugly around here.  Despite the look on the boys' faces above, that's not as bad as it sounds.  I'm talking about the new stuffies we brought home a few weeks ago. Meet Abima & Ninja Batty Shogun!!

They are "Ugly Dolls", strange but lovable characters!


Biggify to read more about silly Abima.  We thought of Mason when we read his bio!

 Stick with me buddy.  At least if you want to keep all 8 of your fingers....

Then there's Ninja Batty Shogun, who seems to be the ideal companion for Brutus. 

Call me crazy, but they seem to have a lot in common.  And I think I see some resemblance....

Guess who decided he needed BOTH stuffies?

Although Brutus alleges he was just trying to "break it in" for Mason....

Far be it from him to neglect his own stuffie, Brutus gave Batty a good working over too...

... but only because he liked him.  How better to show someone you care than to gnaw on their navel?

Yeah, it's silly to buy stuff like this for the boys.  But we just couldn't resist.  Long live Abima & Batty!  


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

How Long??? 87 mins.????? hehehe

Anonymous said...

They've been around in your house for a FEW WEEKS??? And they still look that good? That must be some kinda record or something. Well, at least it would be in our house anyways. They're very cute and yes, I can Most Totally see the resemblance between Brutus and Ninja Batty.

Wiggles & Wags,

houndstooth said...

Tee hee! Mom has a tiny Ugly Doll on her backpack for work! They're everywhere!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Those stuffies are hysterical guys. Enjoy nibbling..
Benny & Lily
PeeS. We mentioned you today on our blog

Moose said...

I love the descriptions. Abima reminds me of my TeddyNo- foster dog from last year... seriously prefect description! Adorable pup faces as always!

dw said...

Aww, they sure are cute, in a warped sorta way! I hope Brutus lets Mason play with Abima...

Lorenza said...

Those toys are pawesome!
I think they are cute not ugly!
I hope they have a long life with Brutus and Mason!
Kisses and hugs

Sam said...

I've never seen those before! They kind of remind me of the whole Good Cuz, Bad Cuz ball idea, except with stuffing and a face!

I hope that Brutus gave his big brother's toy back without too much of a fuss!

(PS - I hope you do blog about your horse days some time!)

Amber and Nala said...

Those stuffies are very funny Brutus...I don't blame you for "breaking in" Mason's. ;)


Smushie Ranch said...

Brutus my dear, you're such a cutie. How could anyone be upset with you, and for testing toys no less. But my dear, I think you will have to learn how to share eventually...


Scooter said...

They look kinda wierd but if they are fun thats what counts. You are a great brother to beak Mason's in for him HA! HA!

good job

Kapitein Haakje said...

we got the ugly toys to :D
well sanne has

El'bow & Hauwii

Bunta the Frenchie said...

I love stuffies very much too!!
Ninja is cool. :D

Duke said...

What cool toys! Long live Abima & Batty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Hey! New toys are always welcome, right? And Brutus was most considerate to make sure the stuffie was properly prepared for his brother's enjoyment.


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Those look like some fun stuffies - hmmm, wonder how long it would take for us to destuff one :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

HEY!!! They look like they might be related to Dr. Dre's assistant, Minimum Wage!!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Tucker said...

Ooh, I think I have a little ugly doll .... I'll have to look.

woof - Tucker

Dexter said...

Brutus! We totally ordered some stuff from your flat brutus store. Momma says that cafe press place has really good quality stuff and she can never have enough baseball hats or comfy clothes.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sometimes ugly is really cute, don't you think? Long live Abima Batty? Are they still around?

Happy Weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

the booker man said...

i love those stuffie dudes! they are awesome! unfortunately, my mama wouldn't let me 'n asa have one cuz we destuffify anything in like 3 seconds. sigh.
the booker man

1000 Goldens said...

Every time I come here I fall more in love with Brutus. He's so cute with his big stuffie!

Kari in Alaska said...

hee hee we love the new stuffies!

The Oceanside Animals said...

They look like they escaped from a Japanese cartoon!

Freya's Human said...

OMG! I love ugly dolls....I need to order one for myself. I think they are an ugly way. Lol. Glad to see your dogs enjoyed them without ripping them up yet!


Now we see why you couldn't resist! They are adorable and we think that Batty must be a relative or somethin'.

Riley and Star.

Oskar said...

Those are two awesome toys. My mom person wants to find some!

Mary at Marby Bulldogs said...

Did they make it through the weekend? hee hee. Our mommy brought us home some cow hoofs. They are wonderful things! You must try them! :-)

-the Marby bullies

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, shower us with gifts and allow us to be a bit picky. We're all spoiled after all. I do like batty myself, but I looove the Brutus-Batty-gnaw on their navel shot!