Monday, May 10, 2010

Flexing our green thumbs (paws)

Today I finally got outside to do some much-overdue yardwork.  It was a cool but sunny day, perfect for me & Brutus to get our hands (paws) dirty!


First I had to do a bit of weeding - that's a gross understatement, actually.  Notice I'm not showing a "before" picture!  Then the more enjoyable task of getting some baby hostas into the gound.  Hostas are the perfect way to green up my flowerbeds - easy to plant, nice to look at all summer, and hard to kill!  I stared with about a dozen, and now have a yard full of them, thanks to being able to "split" them every spring.

Brutus was a happy to be outside with me, but was sort of luke-warm about the whole procedure.  Guess he doesn't have much of a green paw.

Wonder what this thing is for.  Looks like a back-scratcher.

Whatcha digging holes for mom?  Seems kinda silly...  Hey wait - look at that nice piece of bark!
 Now THIS part of gardening I can get into!

Brutus took a break from his mulching to inspect the planted hostas.  Naturally, he wanted to eat them.  And no, I didn't let him "water" them!


Here is Brutus proudly modeling the job he "snoopervised".  Just a little TLC and these little guys will be huge in no time and fill in as a nice ring around the tree. 

Gotta love a plant can double it's size and produce a clone every year.  Gee, good thing the same isn't true for Frenchies...



Good job Brutus,

We can't wait to see how your garden grows!

Riley and Star.

Dexter said...

We have those hosta things in our flower beds too. They are very happy plants. No flowers in the back yard, though because I do tend to over water them.

That tree looks like just the spot for relaxing and enjoying the day.


Elizabeth said...

Oh, so adorable! I've been wondering if Frenchies and gardening mix!

On another note: So surprised to hear Mr. Brutus is a talker! Linus is so easy-going and rarely ever barks, squeaks or talks in his "alien" language. Just goes to show what diverse personalities they have! Such a fun breed!

Anonymous said...

Good job helping mom, Brutus! We can't plants flowers here til abouts the 1st of June cuz it still gets too cold sometimes at night. And my mom is feeling all itchy to put something gree in the ground.

Haha! Can you imagine Brutus doubling his size and producing a clone each year? Pretty soon you'd be overrun with elephant sized Bruti! Come to think of it - that might actually be kinda fun!

Wiggle & Wags,

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mom is very impressed. She's got a toxic thumb, so she pretty much isn't allowed near anything that could be green if left to its own devices! (And yes, Mom is thinking that if a flat Bruti is MIA, getting another one out there would be kinda cool...)

*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby, I guess, since her Big Dog teeth are coming in)

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow what a lovely helper you are Brutus. To bad you couldn't help water the plants...that is what us dogs are best at. BOL We are super glad that puppies can double in size and have a clone...we think one uncle puppy is more than enough.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy

Dandy Duke said...

We love hosta's too, Brutus! You're sure a good helper in the garden!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

kissa-bull said...

lucky is the gardener in our pack she goes and makes the holes for mommish but for some weason mommish ish not too happish when she finds the holes and does'nt fill them wiff flowers .those humans are weirdos.

pibble wiggles
the pittie pack

agent99 said...

Hey Brutus - please thank your Ma for helpin out our Momma. Even though it looks pretty bleak, the support of so many friends makes us feel really special, no matter what happens. But a pug can still hope......

Gen & the Foo

Moose said...

Good work Brutus!I wonder if Hostas will work for my yard... I need something hard to kill for sure!

Pat Wahler said...

I'm sure your garden will be beautiful!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yep, those hostas are just great plants UNLESS you happen to have a Ciara around. She completely uprooted a brand new big hosta, root ball and all, and proceeded to totally destroy it. She shredded the poor thing. She hasn't touched any of the old ones, just the newly planted one.

Thanks for the tip about splitting them. Maybe when Ciara is a bit older, we can try that:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Looks like Brutus did a fabulous job helping :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Taffy said...

Brutus! You did a wonderful job snoopervising! You know, our moms wouldn't get things done correctly if we didn't watch them. I love the photos of you and your Mom. My pawrents have been talking about getting some photos of us too.

Lorenza said...

You two did a pawesome gardening job!
Kisses and hugs

PoochesForPeace said...

Looks like u had a great day! Brutus is so cute, he looks like a mini shadow :)

Golden Samantha said...

Great greenie job, Brutus! We has Hostas too! They certainly "fill" up the yard with greeness, don't they? And I love bark stuff too - we all needs our fiber!
Hugs xoxoxo

Olive said...


You want our address?? You can come weed our garden next :)

Have a super week cutie pie!!

Licks from Olive

Joe Stains said...

that doesn't look like a whole lot of fun! The only thing Mom grows is in her aerogarden thing and you don't have to weed that thing!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Brutus,
you really do have a green paw. What would mom have done without you? Your garden is a masterpiece
Have fun chewing your stick
Benny & Lily

Amber and Nala said...

Good work Brutus & Michelle...I bet those Hostas will look lovely! We did a bit of gardening ourselves today...feels good to have green things all around!

Nala & Amber