Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Brutus!!!

Hey everyone!  Do I look any older??  I turned TWO today!  Kinda snuck up on me too!  Mom had to work part of the day (some nerve, huh?), but she made good on her promise to do a few special things with me this afternoon.

How do you like my birthday bandanna?  Much better than the stupid pointy hat, don't ya think??  I didn't even mind wearing it when we went out to do some birthday shopping.

First stop, PetSmart.  Yeah, it's a big box store, but they DO have tons of cool stuff!!

Sporting my "Birthday boy" bandanna while picking out some new toys. Decisions, decisions....

Here's where we stopped next.  Is this like PetSmart for humans or something??

I've always heard about this place, never been.  We stopped because mom had to pick something up here for me, and I actually got to go inside!

What on earth could I want from this place?  Hmmm..... 

When we got home, mom let me have all my pressies.   Wow - look at all this stuff!  I must have been a better boy that I thought!

A few (allegedly indestructible) stuffies (we'll see about that...) and some practical things too.  That little gray pail is a thermos so that I always have fresh,  cold water when we train or go to shows.  Pretty nice, eh?

And will you look at this baby?  My very own "fan club" BOL!  So that's what she was getting at Home Depot!  It has a big rechargeable battery (like the one you use for power tools), so we can take it anywhere to help keep me cool!

Oh, will you look at that.  Carmen ended up being the one in the silly pointed hat this year!  Not sure how happy she is about that.  You should have seen how many tries it took mom to get this one mediocre picture.  Ha!  Still, how nice of Carmen to let mom embarrass her to help me celebrate!

I was so touched by her thoughtfulness that I let Carmen play with my new Kong snake.  I mean you can't play tug-o-war by yourself anyways, so why not indulge her?

It was a fun afternoon, and the surprises kept coming!  Next mom got all this stuff out and said she was making a special treat for me and all my classmates at agility tonight.

You'll have to tune in tomorrow to see more about what she made.  All I'll say for now is that there is going to be a whole lot of this going on when you see the yummy things Mom whipped up:

Gotta go - someone needs to wipe up this big drool puddle on the floor before someone slips in it!  Thanks for sharing my birthday with me - too bad they only come once a year, huh??


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Happy Pawday. Your looking good. Glad you had a great day shopping. That's a huge snake. Are you guys making Banana HoneyNut Frosty Paws ... Oh! Oh!. Hope you had also had a yummy birthday meal. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Whewwwwie.. I'm gonna get this in before it is a Belated..
Happy Birthday Brutus!!! Grrreat pressies.
Hey buddy are you getting nervous about getting married? If you're NOT... you should be... I'm speakin' from experience here. Wait until you find out about the Monkey Suit (Sports Coat) you gotta get fitted for and WEAR!!! Ugh... Now don't let Ruby and Penny see this. Ok?
Happy Birthday...Bud.

Scooter said...

YOU dont look older at all, as matter of fact,more handsomer!!
Great pressies and you and Carmen will have fun with the toys!!


houndstooth said...

Happy Birthday, Brutus, and many happy returns! It sounds like you had one great birthday that just keeps on going! We're having Milkbones in your honor!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Barkday Brutus!

It looks like woo had khwite the pawesome day!


Punchbugpug said...

Happy 2nd Barkday! Looks like your day was WONDERFUL and you got lots of cool things!!!!


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

What a pawsome birthday! Happy second birthday!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Happy, Happy Barkday to you dear Brutus!! What a wonderful shopping trip your mama took you on. And we just L-O-V-E your snazzy birthday scarf. You look very dapper in it. We posted some final photos of Flat Brutus today. Wish we had known it was your birthday then,so we could dedicate it to you!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Oh, & Hi Carmen!! X-Hootie

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Brutus!
We have a Big Mean Kitty too!
We think that fan in an awesome gift!
What nice gifts you got!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bunta the Frenchie said...

Happy Birthday, Brutus!!
Looks like you had a pawsome day, don't you?

Hey, it is said that 1 human year is equal to 4 dog years, so why don't we suggest our humans to have 4 birthday pawty per year???

Maxmom said...

Just had to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUTUS!!!
It sounds like you've had a pretty pawsome day!
Sending lotsaluv to you all.

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

Love all the pics--that is so awesome that you get to go into the home depot! dog friendly shopping is the bEST! Happy birthday sweet boy!

Tucker said...

Happy Birfday Brutus! 2 huh, boy your gettin' up there. You canz go in Lowe's too, but you really want to go when they are watering the plants outside in the garden section. Free Drinks!

woof - Tucker

Mack said...

Happy birthday dude!
Looks like it was a good one!

dw said...

What an awesome day, Brutus! You got to go to PetSmart and Home Depot! Wow! Happy Birfday!

Wilma said...

Happy Birthday Brutus!! It was my Aunties birthday too yesterday. All great people and dogs must have been born that day!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Brutus!!! It sure looks like you had a wonderful day. Mom says she needs to check out that fan - it looks really "cool":) And that snake would be a great toy for Ciara and Thunder, he LOVES snakes, and she loves stealing toys.

We are putting our money on some cool frosty paws for you and your furiends.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Awww...happy, HAPPY birthday, Brutus. I don't thinks you look any older than you did yesterday. And I luvs all your Most Excellent pressies and your birthday boy bandanna!

I bet the stuff your mom made for you was real yummy!

Wiggles & Wags,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Happy Birthday Brutus!!!! Wow, you really made out with the pressies this year :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Hello Brutus and Happy Late Birthday Greetings!

I am Maggie Mae, nice to meet you! We has many of the same furiends so I thought I would come over to your bloggie and introduce myself. I hopes that we can be furiends too.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Mia said...

Happy Birthday Brutus!!! The momma has never used bananas, but the rest of that looks like the making of a batch of puggie pops!!!! You are one lucky bully!!!! I'll have to have the momma try bananas next time!!

~birthday hugs~


Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Happy birthday!

George The Lad said...

Happy Birthday Brutus, you sure got some nice pressies, your dandanny looks super cool, and the fan will keep you super cool to.
See Yea George xxx

Bijou said...

HaPpY 2nd BiRtHdAy Brutus!!

You got cool pressies. Seriously!

Love the bandana and Carmen looks cute in the pointy hat. BOL


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Brutus!!!!!

Your mom sure knows how to throw a pawty and buy pressies!
She can be my pawty planner anytime??? Do you rent hers out???


the booker man said...

happy belated 2nd birthday, brutus!!!
boy howdy, you sure got some cool pressies! i really like that thermos thingie with the lid 'n handle. i need to get mama to buy me one of those cuz my fold-up travel dish always leaks. that fan is gonna keep you so so cool, too!!
i can't wait to see the pictures of ya'll enjoying your treatsies! heehee.
the booker man

Oskar said...

{{Hugs}}! I hope you had the best birthday ever! Little Carmen does look adorable in that birthday hat.

You must have been a very good boy to get all of those presents!

I can't wait to see what all that yummy stuff made up. Your mom person should probably post the recipe!

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Brutus!
You got pawesome presents!
And frosties too!
I will come back to see them!
Glad you had a great time!
Kisses and hugs

ScrapsofMe said...

Happy Happy Barkday! I hope I'm not too late! You look very handsome in your birthday bandana and Carmen looks soooo cute!

You know...I'm not a big fan of fans...they blow the hairs in my ears and I don't like it.

Stay cool....and lets us know what delish nummy yer Momma made for your BarkDay.

Love the tug of war...

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Happy Berfday Brutus!! We are sorry we are a bit late. It's Moms and Dad's fault!! Looks like you had a great day!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Pat Wahler said...

Happy birthday Brutus! What a fan-tastic day you had! The pictures are great, especially Carmen in her special hat!


Kapitein Haakje said...

Happy b-day brutus :D
and many more!

El'bow & Hauwii

Roo said...

Howlin Birthday Party Mr. Brutus! And that fan! Wow! I'm jealous and I'm not the jealous type! Happy Birthday Brutus!

Going to tell Mom where she should shop for my birthday,

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Happy birthday! It's neat that you got the fan to help keep you cool, but you're always cool, no matter what the temperature is! :-) I managed to avoid the pointy hat myself (and Mom hasn't attempted to put it on Abby, but she might still try, when my box of birthday goodies arrives). Happy birthday!!!!

*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby the Mutant Puppy)

1000 Goldens said...

Happy, happy birthday little buddy! We liked seeing you investigate the toy bin at Pet Smart :) We hope you enjoyed those treats your Momma made you!

Piappies World said...

Happy Happy 2nd Barkday Brutus!

We almost share the same barkday with Fudgie! Those are really pawesome pressies. More importantly, spending some bonding moments with your Mom on your very special day is priceless!

The fan is so cool! Weeeee Many more fun barkdays for you! =)

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello brutus its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday!!! wow yoo got a lot of loot all rite!!! ok bye

Olive said...

OMD!!! You look amazing!! Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!

A Million Licks and Tail wags for you!!


Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday buddy!! Flat Brutus totally went to a pool party last night!

Deborah said...

Happy Birthday my little cute friend! I'm glad you had a great day and you got a lot of nice gifts too!
PS We love the pointed hat!!!

Taffy said...

Happy belated birthday Brutus! I'm sorry I'm so late with my wishes but I sure hope you had a great day!

Cocorue said...

dear dear Brutus,

happy belated and can you find it in your little heart to forgive moi? not only did i miss your birthday, i had to check your previous posts to learn about Carmen, sweet Carmen.

so sorry we've been so tied up that we miss all the important milestones in our dearest furiends lives....

