It's the middle of winter. Nothing but snow & cold here in northeast Ohio. Other than a brief thaw around New Year's day, Mother Nature has been relentless. Several feet of snow have fallen since November, and the thermometer has dipped below 0 degrees Fahrenheit a few times recently. And there's a loooooong way to go before we can even start to hope for spring, ugh.
Seriously? Do I have to go out there?? |
Sure - it's beautiful to look at. But it's getting really old to have to pile on coats, boots, gloves, ect. before going outside. We have toughened up a little, and for short outings (like letting the dogs out back to quickly do their business), we brave it without a coat sometimes.
I vaguely remember a time when the ground wasn't white. |
Winter wonderland my foot... |
Is the grass still underneath there?? |
Think I might be frozen to the ground! |
Time to head in for some hot chocolate! |
See you later this week... assuming we haven't frozen solid!!
Whatever happened to flat Brutus? Also, stop on by your blog sometime! Its been a while
Yea snow is fun the first few days then its just plain cold...then plain muddy...You all look simply adorable against the snow with your black and chocolate furs!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I feel your pain buddy. It was -13 actual temp. yesterday morning and today it was 5.. right now 15 Not fun. Where did they hide that Global Warming they used to talk about all the time?????? Soooo glad that you made it into MangoMinster2011. There are THREE sets of Ohioans in the big event!! GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!
HEY... were you in the Western Reserve agilities comp. in December? Beclaws... my groomer lady... Miss Buzz Off was there with my Poodle fruend Benny. Benny won a blue ribbon in everything he entered!!!
Spring.... we are waiting for you!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
We feel your pain. We are ready for it to be over!
Nubbin wiggles,
Keep warm, my friends! Spring isn't far off....
I don't like snow for all those reasons!! Hope you warm up soon!
We keep hoping for some snow. The Portland area is usually pretty mild. Some winters we get a taste, but it only lasts for a couple of days. I'm sure it does get old after a while. We are thinking about planting some spinach, it's warm enough!
Oh yah, I long for that nice green stuff you can roll around in and sun in!! Someday soon!! paws crossed!!
We are truly sorry you are minding the winter, but we are sure you know how we feel about snow and cold (not the Momster, though). Can you just blow some of it west to us? Ours is still here, but we are always willing to have more.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We feel exactly the same way here! Spring can come tomorrow as far as I'm concerned!
Sorry kids, its 75 here today. We will try to send some sun. And where are your boots young man?
Benny & Lily
Um. We're sort of happy with our snow. Of course, it's not like absolute zero (as in, 0 Kelvin...) here. Cold (it was 5 this morning), but not mid-west cold. I think you should tell your parents that now is a really great time to take you guys on a trip to Florida. Just saying...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
The snow and cold temps have eliminated lots of our walkies and we sure don't like that! We're looking forward to seeing green again, Brutus!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well, I pawsonally think you should come visit me in Collie-rado. It's been cold a few times but almost no snow here at ALL. And lots and lots of sunshine. Just wake up Big Earl and come see us!
Wiggles & Wags,
I'm with Mayzie, you and Mason could TOTALLY steal Big Earl for an adventure. Now that we are fellow Bad Sports, what do you say to a little road trip? I'm thinking Cancun!
Pee.S. You are fierce competition Brutus.
I agree... I'm done with the snow and below 0 temps... bring on the SPRING!
Snow or no snow- it's always a great day when we get to see Mason!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We are having a giveaway this week that features the frenchies.. Thought of you guys.
Hi Ho...this is Sophie the Labradoodle from Nova Scotia Canada. Snow is lightly coming down here...this stuff comes and goes unlike yours which comes and stays. Had fun finding your blog through Benny and Lily...Cheers!
Hello 'deres Carmen!
Just checkin' in on 'da Diva!
Have a good evenings~
Anakin Man
Rudy really enjoyed our snow... for the first day :)
Now we all can't wait for Spring!
Love the pictures,
Rudy's Raiser
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