Several of our friends have posted lately that they're "still here" since they haven't been able to blog or comment much. WE HEAR YOU!!
Seems like our mom also has her priorities out of line, as she's been working instead of helping us with the bloggie. Really - how much work can humans' teeth possibly need? What in the heck are they doing to their chompers that mom has to spend SO much time away fixing them???
Where does she go??? |
Anyways, we are attempting to take matters into our own paws. That is unless we can find a new secretary to hire.... We tried just using the laptop ourselves, but this whole "no thumbs" thing makes it tough.
Oh, geez... Where in the heck is the "ON" button??? |
Mom thinks we just sit home in our crates all day doing nothing but sleeping. She even set up a "nanny cam" to check up on us between patients.
Mom says it's so she can put her mind at rest that we are OK while she's at work - any computer or her iPhone can tap into a streaming video of us doing positively nothing all day. So much for getting anything done while she's away, or any chance of inviting friends over for a little unsupervised fun!! Too bad, we (and by "we" I mean Carmen) really wanted Benny to come & share some sunshine with us!!
So anyways, we are still here too, and totally feel for all of you out there who haven't been able to blog or comment as you'd like lately. Seems to be an epidemic! Mom swears she is reading as many blogs as she can on her lunch hour, even if she doesn't always have time to comment. We pups really need to come up with a way to make computers more dog-friendly - it would free up our humans to do other things, and we could just take over the blogging ourselves!
![]() |
FAK - Frenchie at Keyboard!! |
All that being said, we've got a few fun things to post about soon. Some projects here at home, our prize from Twix's recent Mixbook giveaway, and even a new contest of our own! So stick with us, friends - we promise that cool posts are on their way!
Hang in there everyone - we'll see you soon!!
Brutus & Carmen
We miss you Brutus and Carmen!! We will be here when your peep gets the time!! LOL
Hi Cuties,
Ugh, we totally feel ya. But when we look out the window for our humans, we can see them shoveling tona and tons of snow. It practically leaves them too weak to even type. Love the frenchiw at keyboard sign, too funny. OMD, Mom so wants to set up a Nanny cam. She wants to know if it was hard. But don't ask your human, cuz we don't want any of that surveillance going on around here. It's unconstitutional.
Little Miss Carmen is giving full out sexy diva in that first pic. Glad to hear more fabulous posts are coming soon!
OMD OMD... I LOVE the FAK thingy!!!
Maybe you could talk your DAD into being your Pawt time Assistant... and that way Mason could get a word in now and then too!! I'm just sayin.
I'll bet he would do it for 6 Milkbones a week.
You doggies are furry funny!! We can wait for whatever you got up your little doggie sleeves!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Well, if the rest of the world's teeth are anything like how Mom's used to be, I would imagine that your Mom could be working until about 10 years after the world has come to an end.... *ahem* (Hey, Mom's teeth are pretty now...) I can't believe that your Mom crates you and then sets up a spy camera to make sure you aren't throwing wild parties. It's like she doesn't trust you or something.... Heehee. I'm with you on the whole 'paw-friendly' computer, though - Abby and I would TOTALLY be on the Petco site as soon as Mom and Dad left to go skiing!
Don't worry - we'll keep our eyes peeled for new adventures!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Brutus and Carmen, we feel your pain! I've tried to explain that Mom just needs to quit her job and be my personal secretary, but it doesn't fly. Heck, she even takes the laptop with her!
Too funny. You 2 just crack us up. FAK. If BRD did that it would be AAK! SOunds right to me.Bol.
We think it's cool that your mama is the tooth fairy! That's an important job.
We miss you guys but we understand that the hoomans get busy. We're not going anywhere - we'll wait!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
My boy John has to have 4 teeth taken out next week. Too bad your mom can't do it for him, BOL.
Nubbin wiggles,
We miss you guys; but we know you'll blog/comment when you get the time :)
We're looking forward to those cool posts; they are always my favorite!
Don't ask my mom about toofies! She goes to see her Dentist Doctor... a lot!
Glad you are doing well!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
We totally understand! Sometimes we will put up a quick post but we do not have time to visit!
No worries!
Bwutus and Cawmen
I think you did a most valient job of twying to blog wifout youw Mom..I've been in the same pwedicament, xept Mommi doesn't even have wowk as an excoose..she just falls into black holes sometimes and then I and my fwinds get ignowed..hoomans sigh!
gweat to see you
smoochie kisses
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