Happy Monday everyone! It turned out to be quite a busy weekend, so didn't have much time to post. Brutus was on the go as well, so we have so fun new photos for the blog.
Last night we went to watch Paul's softball league play. Brutus was pretty tired already from a long walk in the morning & some agility in the afternoon. Of course Brutus enjoyed lots of attention from everyone there, including the opposing team & even the umpire, and has become the unofficial team mascot. He had some interest in the action early on, but somewhere around the 5th inning decided it was a good time for a nap. I had to wake him up in order to to stand up when I was ready to leave ;) He must be more of a football fan....
Softball, huh? Looks to me like a bunch of grown men playing fetch. Maybe they'll throw it to me sometime...
How many innings did you say they had to play? And no tackling in this sport? Why bother....

Just wake me up when it's over, mom...
And, yes, Brutus can fall asleep in any position. It looks like someone took out his stuffing & threw him on my lap! At least the snoring distracted the other team's 3rd base coach. BTW, Paul's team split their two games, and now is 3-1 for the season.
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Marie R.
Hi Brutus,
I don't like baseball cause it takes forEVER to end. Not enough action to keep me interested. Did you get to snack on Pringles at least? Congrats to your dad for winning.
Wags & wiggles,
Unfortunately a "no" on the Pringles. My mom did bring along a string cheese for me though, so that kept me satisfied until I dozed off :)
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