Friday, September 4, 2009

Football Friday! GO BUCKEYES!!

Do you know what tomorrow is?
O - H !!
If you are a Ohio State Buckeyes fan, the automatic response is:
I - O !!

Yep, it's opening weekend for college football.  The Buckeyes Boys first meet up with Navy, which should be more like a scrimmage than a game (although if you saw what Ohio University almost did to OSU last year, never count your chickens before they're hatched... ).  Just can't wait to watch the Buckeyes in action.  Ohio State is ranked #6 in the polls, and it will be interesting to see how things play out with lots of new guys on the field this year!

Of course Brutus is ready to root for his namesake & has his game face on!   It was a beautiful crisp, clear morning here so we did a little photo-shoot to commemorate the beginning of the season.  Ahh, ya gotta love the beginning of fall!!  

Brutus had a little heart-to-heart with Coach Tressel - told him what he thinks needs to happen with the offense this year.....

Got the satellite dishes tuned in & waiting to hear the band play "Across the Field"!!

They tell me I look like this guy! 
Personally, I don't see a resemblance....

Have a great weekend everyone, and GO BUCKEYES!!!


Dexter said...

Our neighbor is an Ohio State fan and always flies there flag on game days. Go Buckeyes!


Unknown said...

Hi Brutus,

Sorry I haven't visited in ages! My human has been really busy and tired in the evenings and so she wants a break from the computer and refuses to help me visit my friends! Humph!

You look SO cute in your football shirt! Why do they always only make cute clothes for little dogs? (probably because only little dogs look cute in them! :-) )

I love that photo of you with the little look almost as big as me! hee! hee!

Honey the Great Dane

Greyt Blog said...

Love the last photo, the expression on Brutus's face is hilarious! Soo cute hope the talk with the coach helps your team win!

Harley & Tango


Nope! You're cuter! Have fun at the game! And don't get too excited, the line at the Rest Rooms are always a mile long!

Riley and Star.

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Brutus we can't remember if we told you our Mom is sort of a Buckeyes fan!! (She isn't good at following them but when she went to college all her friends were Buckeye fans so she now is always happy to give a great big O-H!!!! to strangers!) Once she ate a buckeye but said I couldn't have it but it smelled delicious like peanut butter treats!

Bijou said...

Hi Brutus,

You are much cuter than that mascot! But where's your football? You gotta have a football stuffie!

Wags & wiggles,

Sam said...

I don't see the resemblance either! You're much cuter, Brutus!

Astrid Keel said...

OMD! What great photos! the last one is hilarious! I wish the buckeyes good luck... even though it's not my Daddy's team. :)

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

You are so much more handsome than that other Brutus! We watched our team play last night with Daddy. Our team was having a bad night, but we still won. We hope your teams wins too!

Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins

Mia said...

Daddy had his Buckeye's sweatshirt on this morning too!! He was also shopping for new Ohio shirts last night. He has a friend in Dayton that momma and daddy go see for the Ohio State / Michigan game every year. He has a German Shepard named Brutus and a St Bernard named Buckeye!!! Good luck this weekend and have a great holiday!!!



The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hi Brutus!! You are ever so much cuter that that stuffie!

My Mama went out and bought new burnt orange and white shirts last weekend NOW I know why...their team plays tomorrow night (I'll give you a hint...we live in Austin Texas)... She is a bit of a NUT when it comes to football. College isn't too bad, but don't even get close to her if the NY Giants are losing...


Nika + PARKER said...

You are sooo much more handsome then that guy : ) Mom is a football fan too - but NFL we root for the Tampa Bay Bucanneers...I LOVe to watch football too - enjoy the game!!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Brutus, my friend, here is where we must disagree. GO BADGERS!!! ON WISCONSIN!! We live in Michigan now, but every Saturday we proudly fly our Badger flag. I love you Brutus but sorry no Buckeyes in this house( besides my Dad says you have a silly looking mascot).

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Oakley and Swisher said...

We love all your pictures wearing your team colors Brutus, way too show your team spirit. We love college football also. It's our moms favorite sport to watch. We are Fresno State Bulldog fans but next week we will be cheering and barking for the Buckeyes. If there's anything we loveore than watching our team win is watching USC lose! We wish your team luck this season Brutus.

Lots of licks--
oak and swish

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Have fun!

I will have to keep a khlose eye on The Doggy Nanny tomorrow...

Fred is going to Happy Valley with his daughter's furamily fur opening day of the blue and white khytty khats...



Asta said...

I hope you have a gweat time wooting fow youw Buckeyes.
Pawsonally I think that guy would be thwilled if he looked anything like you.
The team is lucky to have you fow theiw fan
smoochie kisses

Pug Posse said...

Woo hoo!!! Go Buckeyes!!! However, our boy Sam is now in the Naval ROTC, so should we root for Navy??? Naw...go Buckeyes!!!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse

ScrapsofMe said...

We're watching football tonight! The Bucs are playing some team from Texas...Houston? But for college, we are VOLS even though we live in Flori-Duh. I get to wear ORANGE n WHITE. Kinda makes me look like a cream-sicle. Anyway, you look AWESOME, kinda like a linebacker.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Brutus!
Good luck to your team!
Have a great long weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Don't let anyone fool you. You are much more handsome!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Maxmom said...

Its nice to have a team to support...and you are a most excellent supporter! We love that picture of you directing the coach. Have they appointed you Mascot yet???
Lots of licks and good luck to the team.

Jan Mader said...

I knew it..I just knew it! Go Bucks!

My husband doesn't blog or look at blogs, but he just looked at yours and has now become your biggest fan. I do believe I hear him marching down the stairs yelling "O H"....I better yell back..."I O!"

I've gotta forward this to my son...he's going to love it. If you hear from Ryan, you'll know who it is! Jan

Oskar said...

My mom person say that since we are from Michigan we do not like Buckeyes. We still like you, though Brutus!

Daisy Dog said...

Well we are Bruin Fans here in So Cal! Maybe you can bring Big Earl for a visit if you make it to the Rose Bowl!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Have fun with your football game! (And for tips in the House With Wheels? Make sure you've got lots of water (although don't have the dish too full or it will spill when your human driver turns a corner), and lots of soft comfy things to sleep on. A window to look out is also a plus. Have fun!!!)

*kissey face*

SEDONA said...

How can they lose with their #1 fan cheering them on? And you're waaaaaaaaaay cuter than the original Brutus :-)
Your pal,

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

hope you have a great football weekend

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Two French Bulldogs said...

Brutus buddy
You are so handsome in your hoodie. Bet you are just as buff as some of those players.
Benny & Lily

Oskar said...

We left you an award on my blog, so stop by!

Cocorue said...

do visit as i've just tagged you for an AWARD


Duke said...

We can tell that you're a HUGE Buckeye fan, Brutus! Our dad doesn't watch college football - only professional and his fav team is the NYGiants!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch