Thursday, April 8, 2010

Agility Videos

It's been a little while since I posted about our agility training.  That's mostly because there wasn't much to post about, as we went through a phase in January & February where all I did was chase Brutus around the field!  Good exercise for both of us, entertaining to watch, but not at all what we were there to do!

Thankfully the last 8 weeks have brought about a HUGE improvement in Brutus.  Maybe it's being able to get out and do more walks.  Maybe something finally clicked in his head.  Who knows...  but whatever it is, I'll take it!!

Brutus is so much more confident and less stressed now.  My handling still needs work, but I'm actually standing up most of the time now.  SO much more enjoyable for both of us!  Now if I can just get him to run FASTER!!!

So see for yourself; here's a video of our weekly training session/lesson.  First time we've been able to train outside since September (well, at least until it got too dark).  Starts with an exercise to work on our maneuverability, lovingly referred to as the wheel of death.  After that there are two courses, one outside & one inside.

Since we have so many puggy pals, I thought you might enjoy meeting Martie & Oliver.  They've been classmates of ours through the winter, and have also come a LONG way.  Thanks Martie for recording our runs, hope you don't mind me showing one of yours!  I just think Oliver is a darling, and he's getting so fast!!  Looking good, you two!

It's been a quiet few months, but the trial schedule will be kicking into high gear in a few weeks.  In two weeks we're entered in a CPE trial, then our debut in AKC agility the following weekend.  Another AKC trial a few weeks after that, then depending on how we're doing we'll decide from there what else to enter.  I'm really looking forward to getting back in the ring, hope the "new & improved, zoomie-free" Brutus is the one that comes with me!!


Sam said...

I'm so glad to see him back in action. He looks awesome - fast and focused!

I think I saw that "wheel of death" exercise on AgilityNerd. You look like you did a great job with it!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

that is just Great brutus! little cutie!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sounds like things are going very well now.

houndstooth said...

Way to go, Brutus! I was tired just watching you run through that tunnel so many times. I think I need a nap now!


Tucker said...

Hey Brutus,
Thanks for sharing your video. It's cool to see your little legs go so fast. You are most talented.

woof - Tucker


Good job Brutus! We hope you have a fun weekend!

Riley and Star.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Great job with the agility workouts!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Duke said...

Great job, Brutus! We wish we were as talented as you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

Brutus you are a MASTER!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Great work Brutus you look like a pro!!!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Pat Wahler said...

What a great job Brutus is doing! Especially considering those short little legs!

Mary at Marby Bulldogs said...

OMG Brutus, you are absolutely ADORABLE!!! I know another agility Frenchie that even went to the Agility Nationals! You can do it too! Good luck and have fun. I can't wait to watch how your summer goes! We start our beginner agility next month..I hope we do as well as you.

Mary and the (english) bullies :-)

the booker man said...

way to go, brutus!! you are super awesome! oh, and you are also super brave to go up that waaaaay high ramp thingie! :)
the booker man

Two French Bulldogs said...

We probably shouldn't tell you this but mom always cracks up laughing at your blog. She said something about you being so adorable doing your agility. You go brother!
Benny & Lily

1000 Goldens said...

Oh my gosh, I love watching him on the big ramps! I'm tired just watching :) We are fairly new to your blog and didn't realize Brutus was an agility dog too. That looks like a very impressive facility!

Joe Stains said...

you are SO COOL. I wish I could do that agility stuff.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

This is just so much fun to watch. Mom wishes so much she could do agility with either Thunder or Ciara - but she worries about falling and her bones. Nice to meet Oliver too - great job from both pups.

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Oh, I luvs watching Brutus and Oliver do their agilities stuff! Momma has said something about maybe me trying it sometime but I dunno. Some of that stuff sure does look skeery! I thinks Brutus is Most Brave (and Adorable)!

Wiggles & Wags,

Scooter said...

Oh Brutus
You ALWAYS look so snazzi doing your stuff. You are so quick and determined, Keep it up


Smushie Ranch said...

I was wondering what was happening with your agility. Nice to see ya back in action my fabulous frenchie.


Unknown said...

Brutus looks great, but frankly I'd like to know where YOU get YOUR energy from! family, full time career, awesome dog mom AND agility training? All I can say is if your doing drugs, you should really share. :)

Bunta the Frenchie said...

Wow! You are great, Brutus!

Well I guess Mom needs more agility stuff than I do as she puts on weight these days :P

the teacher's pets said...

Hi Brutus!
Thank you for posting those entertaining videos! I love watching agility dogs! Glad you are doing better at it!
By the way, I want to invite you to visit my blog b/c I am hosting a contest called "Personalized Pet Portrait Giveaway" and I don't want you to miss out on a chance to win! Come on over and look around!

Puglette said...

brutus, you looked great in your movie! you are so good to stay until mom says it's time to run. i wish charlie would do that. we have trials this weekend. dad has been working on training charlie to speak on command. now grandma is worried that charlie will tell her off when she doesn't want to do the weave poles!

Amber and Nala said...

Wow are so brave going up the skinny dog walk! Good job!


Dexter said...

Good work. You hit all your contacts. That is hard to do. Go little pal!


Anonymous said...

Hi again Brutus! Just wanted to answer your question abouts my cuzin. Yes, he's a spinone. Isn't it Most Exotic that I have an Italian cuzin?

Wiggles & Wags,

Puglette said...

hello! out of five runs today, charlie got one third place, qualifying run. :o(
oh well, more on the bloggie soon!

genji said...

Looking good Brutus. Bet mommy gave you lots of treats after that run.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Brutus. What a FUN video. You're sure doing GREAT!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Kari in Alaska said...

Brutus, you rock

Salinger The Pug said...

Holy CRAP dude! I need a nap just watching these videos!!!

Your puggie friend looks like he needs some treats and couch time! Poor dude is clearly starving to death! We've never seen a svelte pug before until now!

Good job dude! You rock!
