Tomorrow I am off on a work-related road-trip to Charlotte, NC. That leaves Paul in charge of Brute & the pack - a daunting prospect for all involved. Good luck, honey :)
So as I packed today, Brutus was up to his usual antics. He was initially interested (& wanted to help), but is starting to figure out that suitcases usually mean an unwelcome change. It's only for a few days, but I'm sure he'll spend the first one looking for me. Even if I thought taking him with me was a good idea (it's not), being stuck in the car for almost 8 hours straight, then arriving in what promises to be several days of +90F temperatures - not fun by any Frenchie standards! I'll just have to check the suitcase one last time before zipping it to make sure I don't have any extra cargo!!!
Hey, this looks like fun - is it a new bed?
Oh, now I get it - it's for going places. I'm sure she needs me to help pack. Let's see, so far we have shoes, shoes & more shoes...
Hmmm... No dog toys or treats. Wait a minute - is she thinking of going without me?
Puh-leeeeeze, can I come? No one will ever notice me! I'll be an angel, I promise! Oh, who am I kidding.....
You are tooooo cute, Brutus! You belong on TV or the movies!
I found you on Dogs with Blogs under some other puppy's link :-) #1277, Isabelle, an Aussie in NC (anywhere near you?)
Come visit me sometime!
Your pal,
This MUST be a dominant trait among all canines – my pittie Juno does that too!! Only problem is she's 50 lbs and a bit tougher to move :). He's adorable though, love the little smushface.
SO CUTE!!! Sugar snoops around suitcases but shockingly enough has never gotten into one! She does like to hop in the trunk of the car just to make sure we are taking her!
xo sugar & martine
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