Happy Monday everyone!
Sorry that this post has taken so long for me to post! Between the actual trip in Big Earl, then blogging about it, I thought I'd never get these entries posted! I also have a new appreciation for all you fellow bloggers who put on contests! Collecting, organizing and posting the entries is quite the task! I had decided to extend the entry date to November 6th to encourage more entries - it has certainly worked! Some of you had mentioned you wanted to enter after halloween, so this should give you a fair chance to get those ridiculous photos uploaded!!
So here is the most recent batch of entries, most of which came in the last 10 days. If you didn't see them a few weeks ago, check back to our other post (Contest Entires: Update) for our 3 earliest entries. Feel free to still send in an entry, but here is what you are up against!
Note: I hope I got this fixed - try clicking on the dog's name (above each picture) to link to their main blog page. For some reason the pictures won't cooperate & link properly. Darn Blogger, at it again!

Lynn shared the following ritual that her Scotties (and probably lab Java too) indulge in:
And we go to the kitchen to get our morning slice of bacon. If Mom's not fixing bacon, she gives us a piece of cheese. We'll take any kind, but our favorite is sharp cheddar.

Sweetie & Woodrow (NY Bully Brats)
Sweetie almost clears the 4 ft gate at 5 months old
Riley and Star most be some of the most talented, and dare I say pampered, doggies in the DWB world. They have more clothes than the rest of us put together, and showcase them in their ongoing "Dancing with the Star," a takeoff of the TV series with a similar name (although we are unsure whether or not it is in syndaction yet....). And it doesn't end with clothes - they also have hats, wigs, and even their very own set! As you can see in Star's photo, there's a lot of pre-show work that must be done to make her beautiful (here mom wanted a new hairdo for her birthday party)! Wow! We only say it because we love you - but that's ridiculous, guys!!!

Woodrow cleaning Sweetie - Sweetie has his leg in her mouth - he doesnt care too busy cleaning a nightly occuarance - Woodrow cleans everyone
Deb from the NY Bully Brats sent in these pictures of her bull terriers being silly. Many of you know the lengths that Deb has gone through to help Woodrow back to health. Some might think it's ridiculous to invest so much energy, time, and money into a dog, but we applaud her for doing whatever is possible in order to help her furry friend!!!
Oskar (The Daily Oskar)

Oskar goes camping like we do. His pawrents have come up with a way for him to relax in comfort & with style!! Mom writes:
When we go camping my people would try to get me to sit on the ground around the campfire. Now I ask you, why should I have to sit on the ground when everyone else has a chair? To rectify the situation they bought me a chair with no arms, cause the arms get tangled up in the line I have to be connected to when I am camping. Also you can see the blanket on the back of the chair. Sometimes the campfire is not enough to keep me warm, so I need the blanket in case I get too cold. And if you look closely I'm sitting on a towel on my chair. What can I say, a nylon chair is not conducive to my hiney-end being comfortable. They may choose to rough it, but I still need my comfort.
I have noticed something most curious about the Pee-Wee. He will not do his business without an audience. That's right, even if he is so full he might explode, he refuses to leave the observation deck unless Momma is out there watching him. Then he runs out and pees a mighty amount having stored it up for his special performance. Master says that momma should just open the back door and let him figure it out, but momma gets all worried about him backing up and so no matter what the weather she goes out with him and watches him pee. Gosh, could it have anything to do with the fact that he gets a COOKIE for pee'ing? I'll bet he drinks water all day long just to show off for Momma when she gets home from work. Here is a picture of him waiting for her full attention before he puts his dainty paws down the stairs and into the yard. DOOFUS!

Our fellow blogging Frenchies take bathtime seriously! Not only do they have their own bath mat they sit on when getting out of the tub; they both also have some snazzy terry cloth lounging robes they wear post-bath. Hey, nothing is too ridiculous for our dear Frenchies, right guys??
Freya's mom Cat dresses her up every year for Halloween (check out the other pictures on her blog), and apparently Freya usually loves it. But this costume was too ridiculous for even this good-sportedness of this corgi!

Freya--let me say this--really hated this costume. She was beyond humiliated. The first thing she did when I put the main piece of the costume on was hide her face in the pillows on our bed. It was quite hilarious and I laughed very hard.
Jackal himself doesn't appear to think it's ridiculous to wear human clothes, he's just glad to be warm! Here's how his mom explains this photo:

Last winter when it got really cold Jackal would shiver and unfortunately I had to leave him outside when I went to work (only for five hours). He has one of those great igloo dog houses stuffed full of cedar shavings, but I still felt bad that he would be cold when he got out to go pee or bark at someone, so I put one of my t-shirts on him and used a rubber band to cinch it around his waist. This t-shirt he's modeling is one of my oversized ones. The one he wore last winter actually fit him better. Here are some more ridiculous pictures. :)
Mango (The Ridiculously Huge)

As if living with his size alone weren't enough to enter the contest, Mango's labradork brother Pee-Wee writes in with the following:
I will tell you what is ridiculous about Mango... EVERYTHING! He is ridiculously huge, ridiculously a momma's dog and to top it all off ridiculously thick headed. For example, he is always complaining about how he does not get enough trips in the mastiff mobile, but then when it is time to go he is too dopey to even figure out how to get in and momma always winds up "showing" him how and hoisting his absurdly large bottom in for him which could cause her physical injury. Then he has to have everything arranged just right or he cannot simmer down because even though there is enough room for two or three of him, there is only ONE SPOT where he feels he can properly ride. Don't believe me? I am enclosing a photo of the simple beast trying to figure out how he will every lay down given that there are SCARY KIBBLES BAGS (EEEEE) in his spot! If you need further proof, just watch this movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E40EqrlRyH8
Marge (Margeblog)
Marge has gone through great lengths to make a better life for her lab-mix rescue, Sam. People who are not dog-lovers might never be able to comprehend the effort and time it takes to help a dog like Marge, but Sam takes it all in stride! Here's what she has to say about her entry picture:

I don't know how clear you can see everything in this picture, but it goes like this: I am sitting in a small desk chair, there is a 40-pound Labrador mix in my lap, and, on top of that 40-pound Labrador mix, there is a 10-pound cat. It's just a totem pole of ridiculousless - me for letting Marge sit with me in that particular chair (it's not comfortable!), Marge for allowing Layla to get comfy on her back, and, in some ways, Layla for not freaking out that her prime real estate was being settled on by a big stinky dog. The result of this is usually painful pins and needles in my legs, but, hey, she enjoyed climbing up to cuddle, so it is definitely worth it!

Deepest apologies to our newest friend Santa the miniature Schnauzer - we somehow lost her photo and she was nice enough to remind us where to look! Santa herself speaks on her entry:
I have come to love sleeping in the human's bed. It is much bigger, more spacious, softer & much more comfortable! Since I have taken over Mummy's bed, she has to make do with mine on the floor!
Well, that rounds out this lot of entries. I apologize in advance, as I have probably missed somedoggy (Even now that I've got Santa!). If you have sent me an entry or posted one on your blog and haven't seen it featured yet, please let me know! In the mean time, send in those last-minute entries! I've enjoyed reading all your thoughts, looking at the photos and chuckling to myself! Thanks to everyone who has entered, and those of you who still plan to. It's good to know that there are others as ridiculous as myself out there, at least in the DWB world!
Hi Brutus,
I have done a post for this contest but I don't see it here. Just wondering if you have missed us. Please check my entry here http://santa-ms.blogspot.com/2009/10/thats-ridiculous-contest.html
Ooh...and clicking on the pictures does not link me to their blogs...
- Santa
There is some SERIOUS competition!!!!! Good luck to everyone!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Oh boy! We're up against some stiff competition. Good luck to all - may the most ridiculous win!! (No Mango, that doesn't only mean the most ridiculously huge!! :P Kidding Kidding )
There are some great pictures here. Best of luck to everyone!
All great entries!
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
WOW...so many awesome entries!!!
What a very nice contest. It is so nice to see you showcasing doggies being treated in the manner they deserve.Thank you.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Oh Brutus, no problem, we understand. Now I see my entry...hehehe...and clicking on their names gets linked to their blogs is working now.
Thanks for having this contest!
- Santa
We had a really hard time moving past the picture of the bacon. What awesome entries! This is going to be one tough contest!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Well, I am still waiting to see a human behavior that is not totally appropriate when caring for our most wonderful selves (oh, except for the whole pee-wee pee pee stuff).
I wouldn't want to be the one to judge this contest. Every entry is a winner.
WOWSER! That is some contest..have fun everyone!
Heavy competition and I recoginized almost everyone.
Our Mom appreciates all of the work you have done on this - we had about 100 contestants on our "stick out your tongue" contest and it took hours of work to get them all posted. Thank you for your effort.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
No wonder it's taking you some time...you have lots of fabulous entries here!
Hmmm....maybe I should get busy and add to your workload!
It's plenty of fun just to stop by and admire!
Wow, Brutus, you have your work cut out for you! Those are some great entries.
Your pal,
Yepppppp....and my robe is also used as a smoking jacket...thank you very much
Benny (& Lily)
You have some awesome entries there, glad we don't have to pick a winner. We really did get a kick out of Mango's not being able to get comfy in his mastiffmobile when the bags of dog food were there too.
Good luck to all.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
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