Brutus and I were watching the olympics and came up with some changes we think could improve the olympic logo:

Anybody got connections at the IOC??
Speaking of high-profile events, we wanted to give a shout out to "Bru", the first French Bulldog to ever win the Non-Sporting group at Westminster. Officially known as CH Robobull Fabelhaft I'm On Fire, he is a 2-year old Frenchie that resides here in Ohio. Brutus and I actually met him back in December! Even though was bested by the beautiful Scottish Terrier (Sadie) for BIS, we applaud his strong showing! Way to go, Bru!!
I don't know how the IOC missed such an obvious choice for the logo! Bru is handsome and congrats and all be he does not hold a candle to the real Brutus! What is this about Frenchies being not sporty?
I was pulling for the Frenchie last night, but alas, twas not to be. Of course he wasn't anywhere near as adorable as our Brutus (or even as Benny and Lily), but I still supported him. It was hard though, because that Brittany was sure cute!
I do believe that the Olympic symbol has never looked CUTER!
Oh yes, that logo is much better!
That is so cool you got to meet Bru! We watched him on tv the other night!!
I like the new logo :)
You got to meet a dog celebrity...did you get his pawtigraph?
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I agree. The new logo is quite an improvement. Goooooo, Bru!
We love that Olympic logo Brutus and are willing to sign any petition necessary to make it happen for the summer Olymics in a couple of years!!
Smiley Giggles!
Love the logo Brutus, and yes, we saw the frenchie too. He was very impressive. I thought of you right away and that is too funny that you have sniffed the famous guys butt!! LOL
Crackin..up in IL
I love the new logo! :-) Very cute!
We were thinking of you when we saw the Frenchie win! I think Brutus is much more handsome. His coat is shinier and he's more buff. Hubba hubba!
Eh hem dear Brutus, I think there needs to be a Pug somewhere in those Olympic rings. bol!
Betty has been cranky all night! She feels robbed that the Frenchie didn't win. We tried to tell her it was a big deal that a Frenchie was even in the the final group.
YOur version of the logo is pawesome.
Congrats to your friend - very handsome boy.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Most excellent improvement on the Olympics logo. (But I am not going to mention the Olympics too loudly - Mom and Dad are STILL complaining about the lack of coverage on the men's downhill ski race!)
*kissey face*
We thought of you last night while watching the Westminster dog show. I think your genetic cousin did great.
Sally Ann
Love that new logo! Looks far better.
We are screasming on the top of our lungs for Bru!!
Benny & Lily
Pee. S We are glad you got to sniff is hiney are cuter Brutus
He was one handsome little guy, huh. I love the new Olympic look. I am sure the official committee will go for it too. Most inspiring.
loove the revised Olympic logo.....i'm sure once the committe sees it, they will be hard pressed NOT to rethink the logo
the pen is in my paws ready to sign any petition bol....
you looked dang cute posing with the red hearts, muuuuuuuuuuuahz
We thought Bru was pretty cute too. Aren't most pooches?!
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
I thought of you when I saw Bru!!!
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