Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring has Sprung

I almost can't believe it. We've had 5 straight days of 55-65F temperatures & sunshine! Except for the monstrous piles of snow at the back of our driveway & in parking lots (which might take until June to melt), its ALL GONE!! I had almost forgotten what the landscape looked like, since it was buried for almost 2 straight months! Did someone move Ohio to a more southern latitude while I wasn't looking??

On the way out to get the mail yesterday, Brutus discovered a sure sign of spring: crocuses starting to grow. Too bad he was only interested because he wanted to eat them...

We are far from out of the woods as far as winter goes (it's not unheard of to get an early May blizzard here), but it sure is nice to have a break from it if nothing else! Brutus and I have been out walking all over the place, enjoying not being all bundled up. It even sounds different - the birds are singing and I've even heard an insect buzzing by. The squirrels are out of hibernation and tormenting Mason every chance they get (he'll never catch one, and they know it)!

A quick Flat Brutus update before we leave you for the weekend. He made a guest appearance in Indiana at March in the Pugs, thanks to our pal Salinger and his mom Laura. Hey Sal, you look so serious here! Lighten up, buddy!!

Flat Brutus took a little break from his FBRN fundraising to help Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. He worked the bake sale,

the kissing booth,

and even a silent auction (in front of a cool print from our pal Emmet's mom).

And of course he felt right at home at the Pug Health Zone booth, promoting dental care products!

Don't forget that you can always see where Flat Brutus is and link to the places he's been by clicking on the "Where in the World is Flat Brutus" tab in our nav bar. The "Flat Brutus" tab is dedicated to description of what FB is all about, so if you are a new follower, go there to find out more about the World Tour and our fundraising for FBRN.

Time for me & Brutus to head out for a walk and soak up some rays of sunshine while they last. Maybe Brutus can find some more vegetation he'd like to stop and ingest...

Are you sure I can't eat them mom? Come on, just let met try ONE!


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

It has been soooo nice here this week we have been enjoying it too. We noticed yesterday that the crocus's were coming up along with some daffodils.

It was so much fun meeting Flat Brutus at March in the Pugs - we can't wait to get to have our time to adventure with him :)

Enjoy the warmer weather!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Flat B. did a grreat job at that FUNdraiser thingy. Perfect pup for the dental healths booth.
Warm and sunny here too. My mom says she remembers a day off school on April 7th one year for an Ice Storm. That is the latest date for a "snow day" that she can recall. I'M Lovin' it for as long as it lasts.

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...

Oh Spring.... Nellie and Calvert can't wait. We had some lovely weather in NY the past few days and now it's cold, cloudy and rainy (sigh).

Love the Flat Brutus, so sorry I didn't get to you fast enough to participate, then again, I would have fallen in love with the little guy as much as I love the real Brutus (he truly is beautiful!)... and would have never returned the Bruti.

Have a wonderful weekend.



Kari in Alaska said...

Brutus, I say you can eat one!

Smushie Ranch said...

Wait a doggone Pug second! What's this about Brutus at a kissing booth??? Even if it was for charity I'm not crazy about my Brutus giving Frenchie kisses.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Most Lovely, warm weather. Enjoy it! And Brutus, take it from me. When it comes to munching vegetations, you can't have just one.

And it looks like FB had a great time at the Fundraiser. (I like calling him FB. It sounds like an old-timey movie producer or somethin'.)

Wiggles & Wags,

ScrapsofMe said...

BOL!! In that first pic, you looks like a short nose Scottie with a close hair cut! You gots the same broad shoulders as me! We should play football in the fall.



The WriggleButts said...

Ohh.. Spring! We're still pretty much covered in snow around here...


Unknown said...

Its been warm here all week too! We think it is wonderful!!!

Soak up all the sun you can Brutus - start saving it up for next winter!

houndstooth said...

I saw that Flat Brutus was having fun there! We hope he'll keep enjoying his travels!

We do NOT want to see any more snow!


Oskar said...

I just posted a list of plants are dangerous for doggies to eat. Make sure to look it over so you don't get a tummy ache!

Unknown said...

Brutus' discovery shot is awesome. It's so funny. He's being so serious about it. I want to sniff them too.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How nice days have been replaced with mist damp rain mist damp rain repeat!

Thanks fur sharing these great shots!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Two French Bulldogs said...

Brutus thank you for the flatty update. What a great find. You found the first signs of spring. Keep us updated if there is any other spring stuff around
Benny & Lily
PeeS. Believe it or not mom got our hat and tie at Old Navy

the TN Bull Terrors said...

We've been havin lotsa warm days again too! HAARRROOOOO!!!
DawgMom says she wants FB to visit with us here too so she'll get busy & do what she needs to do.
Brutus, don't eat those, they will be pretty soon.

Feather, Darla, Pappy, LizzaBelle & Skippy the Foster Dude ^..^

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

It's been nice here too...Just love that sun.

Hope you have many more days of nice temps and lots of sun ahead.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Bonnie the foster

Scooter said...

Yah, our snow just has melted like in the last 2 days and I am with ya, I had forgotten that there was actually ground lol

Good job finding the new plants coming up, None of ours are up just yet, but I am keeping my eye out



Hi Brutus,

You look gorgeous as usual. So shiny and clean! How do you stay that way with all that bad weather?

Riley and Star.

kissa-bull said...

oh we'd surely go broke in the kissing booth wiff brutus
mommish just loves woggie slobbers
do you accept liver tweats???
pibble kisses and wee wags
the houston pittie pack

Dexter said...

Oh my, Brutus. You look decidedly not flat in those photos. Must be the camera angle, right?

Hey! Don't go bragging about how high you jump at agilities. Humph. Momma says that the reason full sized doggies don't do agilities is because they set the bars according to height of dog. They should do it by performing some sort of bounce test instead because I know little springy guys such as yourself can jump very high without hurting yourself.


1000 Goldens said...

Our snow is finally gone too - it is amazing how exciting it is to see grass and smell earth for a change :)

We'll go check out the Flat Brutus stops - the kissing booth looks very intriguing!

genji said...

There is nothing like the flavor of fresh greenery in the Spring. And you look nekkid without your collar.

Hank said...

Brutus, wuz nice tuh meet yer flat cousin at MITP!

Yeah, wouldn't ya know my mom the dental highjeenuhst would be holdin' the mouthworsh!

An' tell yer mom to let ya snack on them vegetations....they're good fer cleanin' teeth!

Niamh said...

Glad to see that you are getting walks in the nice weather. We have crocuses here but Ambrose pees on them.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Joe Stains said...

Glad to hear that you have been getting good weather there! We can't wait for flat Brutus.

Taffy said...

Gosh! I have the biggest smile from reading your post. We were beginning to think our Crocus coming up was an accident! It has rained here for a couple days and I think it killed Mom's crocus it rained so hard! I'm waiting for more sun! Good to see you out and about, Brutus!

Duke said...

We've never had crocus salad, Brutus! Maybe we need to give it a try?
Flat Brutus is a help little guy, isn't he?! We bet he got treats at the bake sale!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Can you please some of those warm temps and sunshine to OP? We have had rain and clouds and very damp cold for days now. Mom wants warm. We do have some hyacinth bulbs popping up here but we are hearing rumors of snow at the end of the week - the pups say YAY, the humans say NO WAY.

Thanks for reminding us about Flat Brutus' travels.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara