No, this is not an April Fool's joke.
We interrupt todays scheduled Flat Brutus post to participate in an exciting event, GABE (Global Animal Blogging Event)!! Flat Brutus World Tour updates will return next week at their regularly scheduled time.... Our sincere apologies to his most recent hosts, Jengi's Corner and Country Poodles (at least we linked to you!), we promise to feature your adventures with Flat Brutus ASAP!! Please pardon our delay, hope you understand!
Our pal Twinkie (over at Twinkie Tiny Dog blog) came up with this great idea. Being the fun-loving and gregarious lot that we are, participating in GABE is right up our alley!

Brutus and I are always trying to find cool new things to show off to our followers, and GABE is a perfect opportunity to do just that. Here's the gist behind this fun idea that Twinkie came up with:
The rules are quite simple. If you want to participate, you to have to place the event's logo on your sidebar, email me a link to the post with the event's logo (yes same logo but on your actual post) and instructions for your readers. You just have to figure out your one or more giveaways--that's up to you. I will then glance at your post and if it's G-rated and satisfies the two conditions, I'll post it on my blog for all the others to share and be able to visit with ease. Those of you who don't want to give away anything, can still participate. You can just use the links to get to meet new furiends and if you like, leave a comment (only one per post) so that you can become eligible to get the giveaway. This is a blogging event for bloggers. This is important as we, the active participants, will need to contact you at the end of the event to find out where to mail the prizes. We are all going to be winners here. We'll either gain new friends or prizes or both.
So if you are a blogger - whether you are a new follower or an old friend - keep reading! To see other blogs playing along in this event (and enter to win lots of fabulous prizes), just visit Twinkie's blog post to get the addresses of everyone who is participating so you can visit & register to win prizes at all the sites! OK, enough with the rules, let's move on to our fun idea for a prize!!
Not that we aren't unusual enough as it is, Brutus and I like to stand out for the interesting things & ideas we come up with. One of the best places I've found to help with that is a website called CafePress - this place has EVERYTHING (from shirts and sweatshirts, to mugs, bags, calendars, stationery, bumper stickers and beyond) and with any breed, animal, sport, career, cause, holiday... (you get the idea) that you can imagine! Literally thousands & thousands of things to chose from!!
Recently Brutus and I got some new duds to help jazz up our team spirit at our next agility trial. CafePress made us cool matching shirts to wear with a great logo! Go Team French Bulldog!!
Now you might not be as cheesy as we are, but as my GABE prize we have a pair shirts for you and your best furry buddy! You get to pick WHATEVER you want to put on them (and they don't have to match like ours), and it'll be made in any size you need. You don't even have to make it for yourself - you could do a personalized gift for a friend if you'd rather!
How can you win such a cool prize?? Well, glad you asked!! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post any time between now (go!!) and midnight EST April 18th. Easy peasy! Then we'll do a random drawing (Brutus style) to choose the winner, and announce it on our post Monday, April 19th!
I'll notify the winner (so make sure I have a way to get in touch with you, either through email or your blog), then pass along your information to CafePress. All you have to do is go shopping!! How fun is that???
So in case you are lucky enough to be chosen as the winner, make sure to go over to CafePress' website (, in case the link isn't working for you) and do some browsing! They really have something for everyone! Warning - make sure you have a good chunk of time - you'll be there an hour before you know it!!
So there you have it. Thanks for stopping by to participate in GABE. Hope to meet lots of new friends both here and and as fellow participants. Thanks to Twinkie for organizing such a fantastic event!!
Now get in there and leave your comments!! Go Team French Bulldog!!
Neat, Count me in, i can use a cool scottie shirt or something, We will go and check it out and see what all is there, Our e-mail info is on our blog.
I'm in toooooooo!! This is soooo fun. I hope I win. I'll get a T for myself and one for my mom!!! I'll have them say... I'm Frankie and
I'm Frankie's Mom. I think you already have my email addy. Hope I win!!!
Thanks for linking our FB Post. You have come up with a fabulous GABE prize!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Those shirts are just too awesome for words! Paws crossed that you draw us!
cool shirts! I want one that says "I am not a dalmation, I am not a cow, I am a Great Dane" so they make them in my size?
Pee-S. We are planning an adventure for flat Brutus.
woof - Tucker
What a great giveaway, we love shirts!!
Ohmidogness...look how cute the two of you are in your little matching shirts! Maybe we can get one for Brudder Ranger that says, "Rat not Jack" and one for me that says "I'm with the Rat not Jack."
I'm pawticipating, too. And I thinks you'll like what I'm givin' away!
Wiggles & Wags,
OH MY DOG cafepress was full of coolness. we found lotsa pibble stuff and you knows its so hard to find sometimes so we're in love wiff the site
we're trynna aneak mommish plastic right now from her purse as we type thish
pibbls sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
What a GREAT idea!! I hope we win...but just in case I am sending Mama over to Cafepress RIGHT NOW! to look around!!
HoleySchmoley are looking HOT HOT HOT in that tight tee shirt. You look like you are ready for some SPRING BREAK fun! A little beach volleyball, some fun runs on the beach next to the waves, a good dig in the sand, some serious flirting with the girlies. are looking GOOD!!!!
Oh Brutus you are the ultimate model. Look at those pecs..
Benny & Lily
OOOOOOHOOOOH I wanna win I wanna win....count me in... this will be sooo much fun Ive never done a contest before!! YaY!!
wags and licks
What a FANTASTIC prize!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited about this event, to meet new friends!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
ps: now every time I look at that photo of Seth and Captain at the park I laugh and laugh!!!!!
Oh my dog! Brutus! You are precious! Love your tee! We need shirts that say The Boodee Boodah Tribe, 'cuz that who we are! Come check out our GABE page!
Sniffs and Licks,
Auggie & Riley
Brutus! Mom wants to know if that doggy shirt comes in extra large for bootylicious Betty? She's almost 30lbs you know...
Mom has to work getting this on her blog. She's really bad about this stuff.
Much love,
howdy doody, brutus!!
i tell you what...this GABE thingie is so crazy awesome! it's super nice to meet you, and i'd love to be friends! :)
i totally love your matching team french bulldog shirts. you and your mama are stylin' and profilin' for sures. me and my big sis asa would love to win shirts!
oh, i almost forgot. thanks a ton for comin' by to visit me! i've got you on follow now so i can keep reading all about your adventures.
the booker man
Great post guys! I'm sorry to be the cause of the interrupted Flat Brutusisis but I'll be back tomorrow to pick up where you left us off BOL I love the giveaway idea. What do you think, Brutus. I haven't won a single contest, perhaps a cool prize, like yours? If Frankie Furter wins, I bet he'll change his mind and ask for three matching shirts for him and his wives to be.
Is blogger serious? I have to type "tramp" in the word verification box to leave me comment!!! Oh, the things that I do for my furiends!
GABE is turning out to be soooo pawesome!
Twinkie has done an inkhredible job!
PeeEssWoo: GTFB!
You both look so good in your new dus. That last photo of you, Brutus, is really nice.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Brutus is one cute patoot! I look forward to getting to know you all better!
I love the shirts! Do they come in super xtra huge! I'm not so much a little guy.
Thanks for sharing your understanding of my Nubbiness! It's nice when others understand you!
Mr. Nubbin'
I love the team French Bulldog gear :)
Oh we could use some cool miniature schnauzer duds!
I love Cafe Press; and what a great idea!!
Thank you for a great give away!
Great shirt combos! Rugby is wondering how come he doesn't have his own team paraphenalia! LOL
Oh my DOG! Is that you Brutus??? Where have you been??? SO glad to see you again :)
Licks from me!
Hi, Brutus!
I like your matching t-shirts!
It is a pawesome giveaway!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Brutus, it's so good to finally meet you. I have been to yours blog befores but never left a comment. You are so adorable...lovin' da shirts.
PS I can't stop laughing at Twink's comment bout what she had to type in...bwhahaha.
You look awesome in your t-shirt, Brutus! What a great give-away!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Great to meet your Brutus!
You got a really pawesome prize for GABE! We are figuring out our giveaway so we can also join as active participants.
We hope to win your prize too. Weeeee!
Hope we can also be better friends. We'll follow your blog and hope you'll follow ours too.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
What a nice event!
I'm sooooo excited!!!
I love your t-shirts.
I would love to win, but can they ship them to Japan???
Well, We definately join this event and love to make some new friends!
I just have to think about what's our giveaway should be...
We love the matching shirts!
Please enter us please!
This GABE thing is way cool - we have met so many cool new pups :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
What a super pawsome giveaway!!! We are REALLY enjoying GABE!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
That is a great idea for a prize! You look very handsome in your shirt Brutus... I wonder if your mom could make a tiny sized one for Flat Brutus?
Hi Brutus! Mabel Lou and I love your give away idea! What fun! You and your mom look so spiffy in your shirts!
Thanks for stopping by creekhiker!
OMD, the Brutus! I can't wait to read more about your agility... and you look furry spiffy in your shirt!
I have been wearin shirts lately too, but mine have been to CURB my agility (and not lick sutures)! I resisted at first, but troof is... I kinda like wearin em!
That is SUCH a neat prize idea! We love the CafePress, for sure!
Please enter us to win, but know that we feel like we've won already... New friends are a terrific prize!
wif love from the Luke
Hi Brutus - nice giveaway. I need a camo shirt so I can blend in with the trees & shrubs while I'm on patrol for squirrels. Hope I win.
We're having a great time meeting lots of new friends.
thanks for stopping by to meet me! It always so cool to meet agility doggies. You can find more agility shelties if you has a click around in my side bar.
What a great prize you picked for the giveaway!
~lickies, Ludo
We're not participating because GABE is coinciding with when we're "gone fishing" but it's a great idea for an event!
We like the Baby Pug Infant Bodysuit!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
Will you be offended if we give away the same thing? Mom just ordered our shirts today and is thinking about giving away a pair just like you. But I would love to be counted in for your giveaway too!
Hi! We love your blog! Just stumbled across it & are your newest followers! =)
We would love to win your contest!! Ace & His daddy would love smashing in matching tees! haha when we start puppy class soon, those shirts sure would make them stand out! =)
Woof the Words to all pet parents and their friends ...
**** "Adopt, don't Shop!!!" ****
Rescue a canine companion, and help stop puppy mills in the USA!!!
Oh man! We know about Cafe Press! That is one furry cool pressie! Love your shirt - you look awesome in it! Isn't Twinkie incredibly amazing to have come up with GABE? We'll be around to visit more often! My email is samanthae17 at gmail dot com just in case!
Hugs xo
It's a pleasure to meet you Brutus!
You sure are cute!
That is pretty neat that you both have matching shirts!
We can't wait to read about all your fun adventures!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Woof! Woof! Fellow GABE participant. COOL!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Brutis
We would love to win matching dachsund shirts. That would be too fun.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pawsome giveaway Brutus! Count us in!
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
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